Not Going Out

22 1 0

I was laying in my room which I don't do often because something felt off I couldn't leave until I find out why.

I pace back and forward before laying on my bed again and checking my Instagram reading the comments and it's just what as people think it's true.

Most people say you shouldn't be with him but someone else but the death threats through dms so I must make a tweet about in


As you guys know I have been hanging with Aryia for a while and the death threats I have been getting should stop please or I will stop everything for you guys to be pleased because I can't be arsed for the hate.

/Back to real-life/

I go to the bathroom and look at the mirror questioning why do I even try, I look down and see one of my razors 'hey Amelia were going out want to join' someone asked 'not going out today sorry'.

I finally get the razor and slash my wrist a few times and manage it up hoping no one will know I walk around the house minding my own business before taking a tub of ice cream and spoon and putting on a movie while hiding the cuts just incase anyone comes in.

'Ameila' they all shouted 'hey' still eating the tub of ice cream 'hey stop eating the ice cream I want some too' Kat and Deyvn said, we shared the rest of the ice cream and watched the rest of the ice cream.

Few they didn't see.


Authors Note 

So this one got a bit dark but it's going to have a lead for the other ones.

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