Your Safe

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We were both relaxing and we were ready to order food.

'So what you want' I really need to blend in 'a burger from Maccies' so that what I did I ordered a Maccies for both of us 'hey let me pay' he said 'sorry I already did' I laughed and I started waiting.

I heard the doorbell ring and it was the food I thanked the person and ran straight to my room before anyone noticed me with a big bag of food.

'Here you go' we ate while watching some videos on Youtube.

It didn't take me that long to get to sleep until I got a text like I swear down whenever I try to relax something like this happens, it said on the text meet me here, but it had no id but I knew who would do this.

'Hey what's the matter' I had to hide it 'nothing just a random threat' I leaned on him 'well your safe just remember that' but if only if he knew the past.


Authors Note

Sorry, this is a short one just find;t know where this one was going to go but I swear the next one will be longer.

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