The Past Is the Past

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While going through my thoughts, I just wonder on what actually got me here and what will I do if they find my secret Insta page the worst thing to open, well it's not bad just embarrassing for me.

/Next Day/

I got changed (don't know what to pick so have your choice on this one) and walked outside to the back with my camera and started taking pictures of the pool to create a mirror effect.

I was in my thoughts while doing this and I heard a 'Good morning' I turned around and it was the person with the weird colored hair, it's very unusual for someone to be awake at this time but I am unusual.

'Hey I haven't caught your name who are you' I looked at him 'Oh hey I'm Jake I don't think we all properly said our names when you came in because it was pretty late, anyway breakfast is ready you want some' I hate eating breakfast 'no thanks, not hungry' he had a concerned look on his face 'have you ate' I just gave it to him 'no but I'm not hungry'.

He didn't take anything of it but eh what to say not many people like breakfast.

I started doing that TikTok dance trend really weird because I hardly do them but it was to pass time, I just need someone reliable to take my pictures if I'm in them because if someone breaks it they are paying back.

'Hey Amelia how could you turn down breakfast'

'And who are you two I said with attitude before giving them an anwser.

'Oh I'm Colby and this is Corey'

'Well I don't like breakfast'.

It came to hanging out time when I pass someones phone and it looked like Coreys however he was following my secret account I pick up the phone a gasp 'hey what you doing with my phone' I look at him in shock 'when did you start following this account' a snapback is always a way to win 'for a month and do you know who she is I really want to get to know her' I jut sighed gave him the phone and told him to go to my room so I can tell, he looked more worried than excited but eh. 'Ok you might not believe this but it's me Corey you can't tell anyone else' he just looked at me 'I belive you and everyone in this house follows you on this because of your content' I just sighed.

'Well then Corey the past is the past' 

'What dose that mean' he asked

'It means I cant take those pictures anymore because I'm a camera women and take pictures for people, anyway see ya later.'

And bye that he walked out and I just looked through Youtube for something to watch.


Authors Note

Yes I am starting to do more during lockdown but I might be going on holiday soon soo, when I'm away I don't know if I can upload anyway this is weird for me to write because it's a different style of writing for me as you can tell by my ofter books.

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