I want to Break up with him

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I told him what happened and he gave me a hug 'that is so toxic you sure you want to go back and here is the money for helping us yesterday' I had to answer but I didn't know how 'I have to I'm there camera women and I have friends here' he understood but I could tell he was going to say something.

'But Ameila if he's like this don't talk to him how about I order you something to eat and drink because I don't think you ate for the past 24 hours' I agreed and he knew I didn't eat anything.

Someone walked through the door and it was Eugene 'yo Zach did you know Ameila's here' he asked 'yes because her dickhead boyfriend was shouting at her over the phone and she wasn't stable to drive home so she slept in the car' he looked shocked 'it's alright people are bullshit anyway' they both agreed 'so what you going to do stay with them or move out' my word I can't fucking chose 'I'm staying in LA I may not talk to him but I'm not a coward who walks away from her problems' they cheered me and I ate my breakfast and drank my drink.

'You shooting today' I asked 'no editing ' Zach said 'do you want help don't think someone in my house wants to see me' they said yes and I think I did it faster than they could ever do.

We all chilled after the other came 'so what you gonna do with him' I got asked 'I want to break up with him because he might just be using me for views' I said 'I'mm ring him now and put it on full speaker' they agreed and listened in.

Phone Call

'Hey Colby' I said slowly 'hi' he was not sad at all 'I don't think we should be together your to toxic by shouting at me for doing my job helping other fucking youtbers you can't do that, even though weren't together I'll still be in the house just won't be talking to you' this didn't even make him upset 'fuck you Ameila, you have to be with me' I don't have to be fucking with you because I know what you were going to do you were going to fucking use me' I said and then he ended the call.

End of Phone Call

'I'm going back' I said and walked to my car 'were coming to because we don't know what he's going to do and we don't want anything bad happen to you' they said.

We got to the house and I walked in with them, I went straight to my room and saw things on the floor and pictures of me and my family ripped up tears came down my face 'I'm sorry Ameila I tried to stop him' Sam said 'nothing, no apologies can help for what he has done Sam, I hardly get to see my family and he through my heart away and ripped everything apart even pictures of my family members that are no longer with us' I said when the other came to my room I was crying in my room holding a photo frame with my and my family in it and just cried.

'What do I do, what do I do' I question myself. I then went to my bathroom and saw what he wrote on my mirror 'you self harmed before why not do it again' 'I'm going to fucking rip him apart like he did to me' everybody pulled me back.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now