Oh Fuck

16 1 0

Sam's POV

We ran to the door and saw her laying on the ground 'Sam what do we do' Kat said 'call the fucking ambulance' Aryia said, I rang the ambulance straight away.

They came and asked what happened and it was a deep conversation as we showed the security I don't know what they got but we have to check the rooms.

We are all in shock especially the girls they don't know what to do without there number 1 pal.

Colby's POV 

'Guy's after this we agree never to leave her' they all agreed 'what are we going to do about social media though' Jake asked 'explain it in a video with all of us tomorrow' we all look towards the same and agree.

Kat's POV

I and Devyn were talking about what we're going to say and who's going to be with her in the hospital 'guy's I'm going to stay with Amelia' I said they let me go so I could look after her.


Authors Note

Is Amelia going to survive.

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