2 months later

9 0 0

I had a filming gig with this youtube group called the Try Guys never heard of them and I'm so glad I can drive now because I can leave with my camera equipment without anyone knowing so I put on a cute outfit got my shit together, go my keys from the key bowl and left until I heard footsteps behind me. 

'Where you going with your equipment' Corey asked 'okay don't tellthe others but I have a filming gig with a youtube group near the outskirts of LA I'm going todrive there just don't tell anyone especially Colby he will kill me if he knew I left without him'.

Corey agreed and helped me put my things in the car.

I put my phone on Bluetooth mode so I connect to my car and listen to music but first I had to call one of the guys from the group saying I was on my way.

/Phone Call/

'Hey is this Ned' I asked while driving 'yea and your not driving and cllingme are you' urgh all the time this happens 'yes but through Bluetooth anyway I'm on my way with my equipment is everyone already there' I asked because I hardly know any of them 'yes they are just ring the door bell when your outside' I agreed and I was almost these since there was no traffic so I deiced to take my time while getting my camera bag, tripod bag and also my backpack because it's going to be a long shoot.

/At the House/

I rung the door bel and waited for someone to come get it I was kinda in a grunde outfit not in a colourful mode today and also I look good in it 'oh hey your Ameila aren't you' 'yes your Ned right' I asked because I have never heard of these people before 'yes come in' I walked in and put my bags on the floor because there fucking heavy.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now