Party Tomorrow

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'Hey Ameila what you listening to' I just looked at Colby mainly because he just walked in and I could at been getting changed luckily I wasn't 'Mulholland Drive and next tie knock because I could of been getting changed' he just looked down.

'Anyway there's a party tomorrow and your coming' I just hated this 'but is it here' I hate parties mainly because I hate the hangover 'yes it's here and the girls are going to take you to the mall today so take a purse' I just plopped back onto the bed after he said that.

/The Mall/

Even though it was a good experience I just don't like shopping because some are not my style, even though I did get some things I liked 'hey I got a phone call' I said to the girls. However, it was my dad saying don't go to the party but I ain't a little girl anymore I'm fucking grown up and don't even live in England.

/Back at the house/

'So how was shopping girls' Sam and the others asked 'good' the girls looked at me because of the phone call 'you won't see the outfits till tomorrow' Katrina said well that's good for me because I might not look good in it.

I and the girls talked for a while and I asked them something 'What if I don't look good in the outfit what if it doesn't match what should I do then' I was so scared never been to a party before. They looked at each other that they knew something I didn't 'well we thought this question might have come up so I went back to the shop and picked you another outfit matching you fave shoes just incase' Deyvn said my God what would I do without her.


Authors Note

I liked this one since it shows that Amelia is growing as a person and knowing that she can trust the girls.

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