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Jakes POV

It's the next morning of that eventful night which I hated, hoping for her to wake up lucky that Kat came and bring her clothes last night because we didn't bring any when she first arrived in hospital. 

Amelia's POV

I fluttered my eyes open for what seems like it's been forever and looked around the room and saw Jake 'good morning' I said to him, he looked shocked when I spoke.

In fact, he ran over to me and gave me a big hug 'so I'm alive how long has it been' I asked him polity 'it's been 2 days, do you remember what happened' I nodded to his question 'wow' he said 'I'm going to ring the others and hopefully one of the girls can come to help you get change' he said and left the room.

Why would that person go into Colby's room and steal something but the person looked like a female, not a male?

I just rested until the rest got here because hospitals creep me the fuck out.

It was time for me to  go and I was clear.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now