I Hate Hangover

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Fuck my head hurts and this is why I hate hangover and this is another reason I hate parties but somehow I'm not in my room and no one is downstairs I'm just glad I have my clothes.

I go to my room to put some baggy clothes on because my head is bagging and I love baggy clothes.

Walk into the kitchen get paracetamol and a glass of water to help with the headache, but of course they are screaming 'oh wow party hit you hard' Jake said 'well no shit, I just feel like shit' I said to them 'take a day off' Sam said 'no I came here to help out with the camera I can do that I'll get change if anyone is coming round-' of course I got cut off by sam 'oh, by the way, Aryia put his social media and phone number in your phone last night and to answer your question nothing happened last night we wouldn't let that happen' I thank them for that.

I just hope people don't come round well I look okay clothing wise but hair and face which I don't put makeup on anyway looks like shit.

So I did my hair and washed my face 'I'm ready for today just don't shout a lot' they all agreed not to.

The day went great on from there so for some hangover relax day it was pretty good.


Authors Note

I'm thinking about making the next 2 with some dark drama because I want a change of events going on just don't know how.

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