Amelia Stop

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'Fuck you, Colby you know I love my family and these pictures were took when I was born' I showed at him he was scared of me 'I need a pack' they were all confused 'I need a pack of cigs I'll be back later' I said then I walked out the house.


'Dude you took that prank to far' I said to Colby 'wait that was a prank' one of Amelia's friend said 'yes but I got the original picture and photo frames but those texts were real I'm going to set out her room' he went to get the box full of original pictures and photo frames and went to sort out her room before she came back, which was in perfect time.

Amelia POV

'What you staring at' they could smell the smoke 'I'm going to be so called room that Colby destroyed since he is so heartless' I walked in my room and nothing was on the floor 'someone fucking punch me' someone did actually punch me and it was worth it 'don't you fucking tell me it was a prank Colby' he nodded 'shit my mum watched our videos' they all laughed 'but those texts they weren't were they' I said and he nodded.

I'm going to lay in bed 'hey Amelia stop being so sad who knows what the future will give go try for that movie role and see how things go' Sam said 'okay but I'm going to get change get the script and go can you drive please' he agreed and 10 minutes later we were on our way to the audtions 'I will wait here' Sam said.

The audition went good they said they would contact the people who got through in a week so I just have to wait now.

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