Didn't Get It

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It's been a week since the audition and were all waiting for the feed back to come through to see if I got the part.

The email came through and the disappointment hit all of our faces 'I didn't get it to be honest the script wans't my type of thing because I like to sing a lot so there's always another time' we all agreed 'so Amelia you go back home soon for a wedding which your the bridemaid' Aryia said 'yes they want me to bring you which I said yes but I don't think you would go' I said 'of course we would go' Aryia.

/A week Later/

'I look so weird' I said to the maid 'nope you look fine and I'm glad your friends are here and one is stepping in as a best man after the other dropped out' I looked at her 'welp that friends for you they help out when they want too' I said 'it's time to go now Amelia come on'.

We got to the church and I could see Aryia standing with the best man side, I walked behind the bride and sat down in my seat next to Kat aswell as it would be better that way, they some how managed to stay quite and get us all on the same bench.

At the end I had to stand and walk next to Aryia down the asile which was super weird since my family was there 'you look good' he said 'no I don't you know how I feel about long dresses' he smirked when I said that 'pictures are be took this is going on social media' I got out my phone and took photos of what's going on since me and the others were going in the same car 'you had your phone on you' they said 'yes it has pockets' I laughed.

At the end of the day it was good we all had fun and I got to get change into a shorter dress for the rather party which I liked better, I also got to see some family members I haven't seen for a while and some friends and my room mates met the whole family.

Our freindships have grown stronger ever since that day.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now