What a long shoot

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I walked into a house that smelt like a coffee shop 'just to warn you I have never heard of you guys before' the other turned their head round 'okay weird by the way I'm Ameila and you are; sounding like I'm Bella from Pitch Perfect. 'Oh I'm Keith' a tall man said 'I'm Zach' and short man said 'and I'm Eugene and I think Iv seen some of your work and seen you at a party, I think you work for Youtbers  Sam and Colby right' oh fuck 'yes I do and nice to meet you and if you met me at a party which one we have loads' he was trying to remember while I was just setting up my shit.

'Oh I remember it was your 18th' oh fuck no 'haha someone is embarrassed' please God save me 'okay this is awkward and plus I'm not even American I'm from England' I said they didn't really notice because of my accents.

'You guys are you ready to film and what are we filming you never told' I was already confused 'oh sexy costumes' well this just got even more awkward since I have a fucking boyfriend of sorts 'okay so we start now' I said and they said their intro.

By Intro I meant like it took them many takes and also trying to credit me was so fucking funny like how many times dose it take with Sam and Colby is take them like one time but I get it there is 4 of them not 2 of them.

'Okay so were going for a lunch break do you want to come with us' I got asked by the Zach 'sure but I'll drive since I got bluetooth' just bragging that my car is better.

We got to the place for lunch that was actaully and drive in like  what was the point of that we could of ordered.

We got our food and rove back to the filming place which was an rented out house they started shooting again while I was sipping my drink. It was the end of the day and I was packing up to go back to the house, I checked my phone to see angry texts messages from Colby for me saying I should of told him where I was going 'hey is there a bathroom' one of the guys pointed towards it and I ran while holding in tears and texted him back saying 'fuck off you only asked me out to make me cry' and I got nothing back from that.

I had to go anyway so I wiped my face nd got my shit together to leave 'hey do you need help' Ned asked me I said yes and I packed the car and got in, I waved at hime and he went inside I looked out the car the face the road and just cried while him the horn button and it made and loud noise, I shouldn't be driving I'm fucking unstable.

I then deciced to ring sam saying I won't be back tonight he understood why and I basically just slept in my car outside of the house where I just came out from, with tears going down my face I couldn't cope with the depressing thoughts in my head they were just making me worse.

I slept in the car and it was the moring the only reason I woke up is because there was one of the guys knocking on my car 'hey you alright did you even go home' Zach asked I shook my head and he could see my tear stained face 'what happened' he asked 'nothing' I said but he could see something was wrong 'come on tell me' he asked again 'my dickhead boyfreind that what happened' he looked shocked and let me in the house.

Behind the camera. ( A Traphouse Story).Where stories live. Discover now