I didn't do it.

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It was the day after I had the little stayover and I walked to the place this random person sent me I know a bit stupid but it's a mystery.

I got to the place and there was nothing there until I saw something coming from the ground it was a hand.

I started digging for it and I found someone I kept on digging until it showed the whole body.

I looked up and thought I saw someone if so this would look so bad but I had to save this person.

It got till dark and the way she looked was pale it was horrifying something that could scar me I started to back up until loads of police and helicopters surround me while I was crying.

One of them came up to me and gave a hug and then another put handcuffs around me 'I didn't do it I found her and got told to come here by some random number' they didn't, believe me, they said all evidence will go forward at the station.

I was covered in mud and dirt, scared and sad that I found someone dead.


Authors Note

Sorry it's short trying to make 2 in one day.

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