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Your POV

I clicked on the V app and went to The Boyz channel. It's been some time since I visited the app.

multiluv | just now | hide from artists

Hello Deobis~! I am shamelessly promoting my twitter account and if you want to follow me for fun, here's my @/multiluv

"DONE!" I yelled after that starting to get bored again, I threw my phone on my bed before getting up.

I went outside my room and made my wait towards the kitchen to prepare myself some cereals. Opening the fridge, I grabbed the milk from it and pour it on the bowl of cereals resting on the counter. I decided to eat on the couch to watch music bank.

Moments later, I got a notification. Putting my bowl of cereal down on the center table, I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

"Ah its from vlive" I checked it

"It was so shameless yet some hearted my post?" I started to read some comments saying that they already followed me. I replied thank you. And then checked my twitter account.

"1, 975 followers. I love the 1, 975 of y'all" I'm a multi-fan and posts random things about those groups and some other stuffs

I've got a notification telling that someone commented on my post on the V app. I checked it and chuckled.

Itsdefinitelysunwoo | 1 minute ago

Stop posting un​nec​es​sary things and its The B, but we read it as Deo Bi so you can call it both.

multiluv | Just now

I'm sorry but I'll stop if you follow me on twitter

Wow, y/n you really are shameless

Itsdefinitelysunwoo | Just now


Again, some notification popped up saying that I have a new follower.

Itsdefinitelysunwoo started following you

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