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Third Person's POV

"Oh? Hi y/n!" Y/n looked away from his phone. Youngjo just messaged her saying that they should hurry up.

"Oh! Sunbaenim!" She smiled sweetly and Jacob looked at the person next to y/n

"Hello" They both said together and chuckled at their synchronization.

Sunwoo just sighed and secretly walk passed them while looking down.

When he successfully passed he immediately grabbed two of each kind, yes, all kind of snacks he can reach but when he was about to go away, Jacob shouted at him.

"Yah! Sunwoo!" Sunwoo looked at their direction and saw all three of them looking at him and some people started to look at them.

"It's Yoo Sunwoo!" Sunwoo covered his face even more and walk towards the three of them before hitting his hyung.

"Yah hyung! Don't call me by my name! Who knows what will gonna happen" he glared at his hyung before taking a glance at y/n.

Y/n looked away and started to message someone.

"Sorry. Anyways, y/n. Who is this boy?" Jacob asked at Sunwoo almost smacked his hyung again.

"Does that sounds rude? I'm sorry" Jacob smiled sheepishly

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, I am Xion of Oneus" Dongju shook hands with Jacob before he smiled.

"I'm Jacob if you haven't figured out and this is Sunwoo" Sunwoo just smiled.

"Err...Sunbaenim, we need to go." Y/n looked up from his phone and smiled sheepishly at Jacob and Sunwoo before grabbing Dongju's hand and pushing their cart, hurrying.

"What happened?" Dongju asked and helped y/n put all their snacks on the counter.

"Youngjo just sent me a picture of my kitchen and they're trying to bake cookies and it's a total mess. I don't even know where they got the ingredients. We need to go back" she sighed after they paid and put all the grocery bags in the car.

Sunwoo's POV

"Yah hyung! Don't call me by my name! Who knows what will gonna happen" I whispered yell at hyung before taking a glance at y/n.

Y/n looked away and started to message someone. I tried to peek at her phone and I saw someone sent her a photo of a kitchen in a mess.

"Sorry. Anyways, y/n. Who is this boy?" I looked at the boy who's a little to close at y/n for my taste.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Xion of Oneus" No wonder y/n had a hoodie and albums of them. But why is he with y/n?

Wonder why I know? She had a shelf only for albums and lighsticks and she had all of their albums and probably that's the only group that she completed.

She even hang them individually on her wall right next at the shelf.

But I am so happy when I saw some of our albums and lightstick. It's in her living room by the way.

"I'm Jacob if you haven't figured out and this is Sunwoo" My thought got cut of when Jacob hyung spoke. I just smiled still thinking of why is he with an idol?

"Er...Sunbaenim, we need to go." She smiled sheepishly before interlocking her hand with Xion and I secretly glared before they walk at the counter.

"Yah, stop glaring! They might melt" Jacob hyung nudged me and laugh. We walk at the other counter and paid our grocery.

"Why is she with some idol?" I mumbled but Jacob hyung heard it. Great.

"Are you jealous? Don't worry they maybe just friends." He laugh before driving back at our apartment.

"Yeah just friends"

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