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Your POV

I'm glad that nothing changed between us. And we're still treating each other like there's nothing happened earlier.

We're about to pick another movie when my door suddenly burst open revealing 10 men. I always forgot to tell Youngjo to text me first before they go here.

"Dongsaeng!" Youngjo hugged me really tight.

"So what's up?" Hwanwoong asked.

"The ceiling"

"Shut up, Dongmyeong"

"Language, Hwanwoong" Youngjo and Seoho said at the same time and laughed. I walk back at Dongju and we continued to pick a movie.

"Yes!!! Let's watch a movie!" Keonhee yelled and ran towards my kitchen.

After some time, he again yelled and we all looked at the kitchen door.

"You don't have snacks?!" He asked surprised and they all look at me.

"Who will gonna buy snacks?" Harin ask.

"Let's do rock paper scissors" Kanghyun suggested.

We all gathered around and started playing. After about three rounds, me and Dongju put paper and they all put scissors and gun.

"Ohhh"  Youngjo said in a singing tone

"Since when did start teasing me?" I asked about to slap him on the shoulders when I caught a glimpse of a tomato Dongju.

"Just now" He just shrugged and I just grabbed a mask and putting it on. So does Dongju.

"Wait- I forgot my money-" I got cut of when Dongju just pulled me again towards the evelator.

"I'll pay. Now let's hurry before hyungs destroy your place"


"Let's go~ its enough" I whined while Dongju is still putting more snack at our grocery cart.

"It's not enough for a movie night with 12 starving bears" I raises my eyebrows at him.

"Why bears?" I asked and put more snacks because he has a point.

"Because we are cute" we both laugh and I smacked him.

"Aw! what was that for?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hit you" I smiled sweetly and pushed the cart.

"Yah!" I just laugh until I reach the cashier

Sunwoo's POV

My hyungs sent me and Jacob hyung to the grocery store to buy ingredients for bibimbap and some snacks.

"Why did they sent us right after the meeting?!" I groaned and lazily pushed the cart.

"You can pick the snacks and I'll pick the ingredients for Bibimbap so we can go back early" Jacob hyung suggested. I nodded before we push our own carts to different directions.

When I was about to turn to the next aisle, I heard laughters and some yelling. I stopped at my tracks and peek.

"Because we are cute"

Cute? Who? Me? I know.

I giggled at myself and was about to walk again when I heard a not so loud smack.

"Aw! what was that for?" I saw y/n hit that boy in his shoulder. His voice sounds familiar though

"Nothing, I just wanted to hit you" she's so cute but who is he? Why is he with y/n? They look happy together.

"Yah!" When I saw the boy coming in my way, I immediately back up but I hit something.

"Yah! Sunwoo, are you okay?" I turned around and saw Jacob hyung.

"Eh hyung, let's go" I said and he looked at my cart.

"You haven't even grab our snacks" He went towards that aisle and I followed to stop him but before I could do anything, he spoke

"Oh? Hi y/n!"

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