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Your POV

We gathered around the camp fire. I sat between Leedo and Hwanwoong but Dongju pulled me between him and Seoho.

"Dongju, why do you want my sister to always sit beside you?" Youngjo asked and eyed the both of us.

"Because she's my noona" He put his arm around my shoulder and smiled wildly I smacked his shoulder.

"Yah! You're older than me!" I glared

"How about let's tell scary stories?" Dongmyeong smiled widely at the idea and smirked at me.

"No way!!!" I yelled. I can't sleep alone tonight.

"Yeah let's do it!" Giwook yelled followed by the maknaes.

This maknaes!

"Hey guys, where's Yonghoon?" I asked looking around but I suddenly remembered the story Kanghyun told and I immediately look down on my lap.

When I was about to stand up, someone put their hands on my shoulder and yell causing me to almost fall but Dongju was faster and put his hands on my shoulder for support.

"Oops sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that" Yonghoon smiled sheepishly and I glared at him.

"YONGHOON!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs not caring if the others think i'm crazy all I care is to remove that wide smile away from his face. He's smiling while here I am almost got a heart attack.

Sunwoo's POV

"Did someone just yelled my name? Changmin is it you?" Younghoon hyung asked.

"No its not me. But it's so loud" he laugh

"Maybe someone-" but before Kevin could finished his sentence someone came running pass our camp while yelling.

"I don't care if you're older, Yonghoon! I'm gonna kill you!" A girl said while chasing a tall guy that's laughing

"Wait- is that Yonghoon from Onewe?" Chanhee asked and we all looked closely at the boy trying hard to avoid the girl that caught him and now hitting his shoulder.

"Onewe sunbaenim are here?!" Haknyeon's eyes went wide.

"Sunbaenim? We debuted on year 2017 and they debuted on year 2019." Juyeon hyung said

"But they just re-debuted and their band is officially debuted on 2015" Haknyeon explained

"How'd you know?" Hyunjoon asked.

"I saw it somewhere but I can't really remember" he just shrugged before we heard another yell.

"Okay okay im sorry, y/n! Let's go back." He pulled the girl back to their camp. The others went back at what they're doing while I stood there frozen.


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