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Sunwoo's POV

"Hey its our song!" Younghoon hyung cheered and smiled proudly.

"Our new neighbor is so loud" Hyunjae hyung groaned and stood up

"It's not our neighbor, it's their music that is so loud" Juyeon said while scrolling through his phone.

Hyunjae hyung walk towards the door and put some mask and cap on.

"Where are you going?" Jacob hyung asked and put his cereal on the center table.

"Next door. I'll talk to them." Hyunjae said but before he can even open the door, the music died down. He sighed and walk back at his seat.


While all of this is happening, we, the younger ones just watched our hyungs bicker with each other.

Your POV

After a week, I already perfected both choreos and songs. I just need to practice more so I will not forget the lyrics and steps. Unlike when I'm with Oneus and Onewe, I practiced with a lower volume.

My parents arrived this morning to watch me. After practicing, they gave me two boxes of cupcakes.

"Why are there so many cupcakes?" I asked them.

"One is for you and one is for your neigh​bor." my mom said while motioning for me to give it now.

"Okay" I changed into a black hoodie Youngjo gave me last christmas. It has a white oneus logo at the front and their name at the back.

"Thanks mom" when I was about to go to the door dad spoke.

"Why do you always wear that hoodie?" Dad asked while seeping on his tea.

"Youngjo gave it and it's pretty comfy" i smiled before walking outside and to the door next to mine.

I knocked three times before someone opened the door. I heard him yelled before he completely opened the door.

"Did someone ordered something?!" He yelled before facing me. I widenes my eyes and I almost lost my grib on the cupcake box.

"Sunwoo-ssi?" My mouth hanging open.

"Uhhh, hi? What brings you here?" He asked while smiling shyly at me.

"Ahh yeah...uhm...I wanted to gave my neighbor some cupcakes and...I never knew you're my new neighbor" I handed him cupcakes and I heard someone asked.

"Who's that hyung?" A very familiar voice asked and someone showed up behind sunwoo.

"Oh? You're the girl that I bumped last week! I'm so sorry about that" Eric said before he saw the box.

"Oh cupcakes! Is it from you to us? Thank you!" He grabbed it and run inside leaving me and sunwoo again.

"So uhh, thanks for the cupcakes" He smiled.

"Gotta go" I waved at him before he went inside their apartment.

Oh my gosh that's soooo awkward! Why is he so awkward?! He met fans at fan meetings with no awkward moments.

"They said thanks for the cupcakes" I smiled at my parents before eating my own cupcakes, asking if they want some too.

Sunwoo's POV

She lives next door...I smiled at the though and got my own cupcake.

"Hyung! Our new neighbor is a girl!" Eric said after eating the last bite of his cupcake.

"And she's wearing a oneus hoodie, she must be a To Moon" Chanhee hyung said

"How'd you know?" Haknyeon asked

"I saw it when Eric moved out of the way"

"I think she's also a Deo Bi" Changmin butted in

"Yeah she always play our song" Hyunjoon said

"What's her name?" Sangyeon hyung asked

"Her name is y/n" I said while smilling.

"Looks like someone fell inlove at first sight" Kevin hyung teased me and the others started to join.

"Please stop"

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