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Third Person's POV

"Sunwoo" He looked up and y/n saw his crying face. It brokes her heart but still giggling in her head at how Sunwoo is the jealous type.

"What are you doing here?" He asked while sniffling and looked away.

"I thought you might faint when a ghost suddenly appeared so I want to follow you" He just looked at her

I should never joke at times like this

"I...I'm sorry" she walked closer and hugged Sunwoo and he hugged back.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my brother" she whispered and he broke the hug.

"You had a brother?" He asked surprise and the girl just nodded.

"You know Youngjo- I mean Ravn?" She asked and his eyes went wide.

"So that explains why you had a complete albums and lightsticks of ONEUS" He giggled followed by her.

They are silent for a moment before she spoke.

"Sunwoo...I think we can give it a try" She looked down at her lap and Sunwoo smiled.

"Be my girlfriend then. Yes?" He lifted her face and kissed her cheeks which make her blush really hard.

She slowly nodded before Sunwoo gave her a tight huged and the door burst opened revealing 22 guy.

(A/N: Almost everyone is confused why 22 guy. It's because all WeUs and The Boyz came)


Third Person's POV

I'll call y/n now. Be ready.

Youngjo texted Jacob and Jacob shouted 'Kimchi' as a cignal that their plan just started.

"Where?!" Haknyeon asked the others but they just shooked their head and Haknyeon realise it and smiled sheepishly.

"Sunwoo" Sangyeon called and Sunwoo looked at his hyung.

"Can you get us a snack?" Sangyeon smiled sweetly which Sunwoo found weird.

"Its someone else's house. We can't just eat their food" Sunwoo said.

"Please Sunwoo~" Younghoon pleaded.


While this is all happening, Jacob messaged Youngjo to do his part of the plan which is make y/n tell 'I love you oppa' or whatever.

Youngjo's POV

"Guys hurry!" I yelled at Weus and they all gathered around the phone.

Yes, we personally contacted The Boyz to make this plan work. And they all agreed and here we are, doing it. Still can't believe that it's Dongju's idea.

"Hello?" My sister asked on the other side.

"Y/n!" I yelled.

"What do you want, jo?"

"We have a world tour and we're gonna be gone for month!" We all snickered and I shushed them all.

"World tour for only a month? What kind of tour is that" Oh yeah right...

"Er wait...."

I covered my phone and spoke.

"Yah! What should I tell her?" I asked panicking.

"Just think about something!" We whispered yell at each other.

"What should I tell her?" I looked at them one by one.

"Just tell her that its only around Korea and not a world tour" Yonghoon hyung said and I nodded.

"Hurry! Y/n's waiting!" Xion said.

"Its just around Seoul. Hehe" I heard her laugh followed by someone yelling from the background.

"I said around Korea!" Yonghoon hyung whispered yell

"Are those boys?!" I pretended to be shocked.

"Yeah. Remember that i'm a trainee? The Boyz' members are all here" I snickered again but the others can't hold back their laughter

"Okay! Bye sis! Love you~" I hope it works and that she didn't heard us laugh.

"Argh stop it~"

"Just say it! Pwease~" the other members snickered and I signalled for them to be quiet. What is wrong with them?! They'll ruin our plan!

"Stop I can imagine you pouting. Arghh fine~" She chuckled at the other side of the line

"Bye! Love you too!" We all laugh and ended the call.

"I hope it works!"

"And I hope Sunwoo heard it" We all got out from the van and walk inside the building. We entered the elevator and when it opened a smiling Jacob and Sangyeon greeted us.

"Let's go! It's already starting!" Jacob hurriedly said and we followed him at their apartment's front door.

Your POV

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Both me and Sunwoo are shocked and we broke the hug but he's still holding my hands.

"My ship is finally sailing!" Jacob yelled followed by the others.

"Hey! Check the camera if its still recording everything that is happening!" Yonghoon yelled and ran at the hidden camera at the bottom of the tv.

"There's a hidden camera?!" Sunwoo yelled.

"WeUs?!" I yelled when I saw Oneus and Onewe. Youngjo gave me a hug.

"My baby is a grown up now" he faked cried and I smacked his shoulders.

"Yah! I growed up before you did! You're still a baby!" We all laugh.

"If i'm a baby, then what's Xion?" He asked. I looked at Dongju who's smiling sweetly at me.

"My baby bestfriend" I hugged him at they all cough

"Why are you all here?" We and Sunwoo said at the same time.

"To answer your question, we planned all of this" They all smiled which I think is kinda creepy

"Let's go celebrate!"

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