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Your POV

"Sheesh calm down, Dongju. Its Sunwoo" silence fell and they all looked at me.

"What?" I asked them still focused on the movie.

"Who's Sunwoo?" Dongju asked.

"My co-member on 'Named Late'" Giwook asked.

"Is it... Kim Sunwoo from The Boyz?!" Kanghyun yelled. And Youngjo smirked at me.

"Hmm" is all I can say.

"Yah! Y/n! Wake up~" Youngjo pinch my nose and I jolt up.

"What?!" I yelled and rubbed my eyes.

"Uhhh you need to go to the building now!" He pushed me up and I accidentally step on Dongju's hand who's sleeping beside me.

"AW!" He yelped

"Sorry Dongju" I rubbed his hand before rushing to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, I dressed up nicely and went to the kitchen. I found them already eating and laughing.

"What time is it?" I asked after getting my own cereal.

"9:24am" I almost choked on the cereals after hearing that. Seoho patted my back.

"I need to be there at exact 11:00am!" I finished my cereals quick and they all waited for me on the door.

"Huh? Why are you guys still here?" I asked while putting my shoes.

"We'll drop you off" Dongju said and took a picture of me.

"What the- Delete that!" I yelled and took my phone and rush towards Dongju.

"Dongju!" He ran around my living room while laughing and the others just went outside before us.

After all of them are out, Dongju ran outside while I keep on shouting his name.

"DELETE. NOW" he ran the opposite direction of the elevator and at the end of the corridor

"Now delete it or I'l never talk to you again" I slowly walk towards him and he held his phone high and I smirk.

"Dead end" I walk pass my neighbor's door.

He showed me the photo while i'm trying to tie my shoe laces with a very serious face.

"Son Dongju! Dele- Ow!" I yelped in pain and held my elbow. I heard Dongju laughing and I turned around to see who the heck is that.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I immediately froze when I realized its Sunwoo.

"I'm so sor-" he got cut off by Dongju's yell.

"I already sent it on our gc!" And ran pass me and to the elevator.

"YOU! SON DONGJU!" I ran behind him, leaving Sunwoo dumbfounded. I caught him before he can enter the elevator.

"Give me the phone!" I tried to get the phone but its too high.

"I already sent it on our gc! So why bother?! Please let me keep the photo!" He pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Fine. Just because you're cute" i mumbled and he smiled before kissing my cheeks and running towards the stairs.

He just kissed me! Again! Just, what is his problem?

"Xion!!!" I yelled and walk towards the elevator and saw Sunwoo inside.

I opened my phone and saw my picture on the gc.


*sends your pic*

Lol y/n

She's cute

Yep she's cute

Can I put her in my pocket?

That's the first time I saw her so serious

Where's Xion?

I can see him running at the stairs

Wait- stairs? HAHAHAHAH

Maybe y/n closed the elevator door before he can get in

Where is she btw?

Guys! I'm still at the elavator. And guess what

We're stuck

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