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Your POV

"New trainees, please follow me"

We followed Mr. Kim in a big practice room. We formed a line and he made us face the mirror on one side of the room.

"Please come inside" I look at the door to see who's coming and to my surprise, it's them.

They enter one by one and formed a line in front of us. Sunwoo stopped infront of me and smiled.

Please stop smiling at me. Don't get surprised if one day I'll keep you in my pockets

"Hello" we all bowed at each other. I look at the other trainees and realized that there are seven boys and five girls including me.

"Each one of you are gonna have a partner from The Boyz. And they will be your mentor for the next two months." Mr. Oh looked each and every one of us with serious eyes.

"To be fair, each of the members will choose one paper on that box. Each paper has your name on it. Sangyeon, you go first"


All of us had our partners and guess what? I think you knew it already.

"What's your talent? I mean, did you audition as rapper, singer, dancer or actress" He said after we sat at the corner of the room. We need to know each other more. That's what they said.

"I don't know. I just wanted to try something new" I reasoned.

"Oh...shall I get your twitter account?" He asked and I looked at him surprise.

"You have a twitter acc?!" I almost yelled.

"Ah- Eh? Did I say twitter? I mean your number." He asked almost panicking. Why is he panicking?

I gave him my phone and after typing some number, he gave it back.

" live next door" He started.

"Yeah...I didn't know you guys live there too. So that explains why I heard dolphin screams." I laugh followed by him.


It's time to go home so I stood up. Some of then are still chatting with their partner. Iwas about to walk but my phone vibrated. I stopped near the door and checked who is it.

What is it? How's the result? Did you pass?!

Well.... I didn't pass

You're kidding


Knew it. Anyway, what is it that you're gonna tell me?

What if...

I like someone but...

You like someone?!?!

But it looks impossible for him to return my feelings.

What am I gonna do?

Idk...maybe move on?

I think I can't

And it's hard because im gonna see him everyday!

You'll see him everyday?!


What's his name?

ItS A sECreT. Please understand

Well, just go with the flow~

It's a kpop idol btw

Eh?! Who?

It's a sEcREttTTt

And I don't know if I like him as a fan or like like him


Whoever this 'idol' is...


Spend more time with him ig?

So you can tell what kind of like you're feeling

Thank you!

You actually helped me a bit

Welcome :p

We'll continue this discussion later. I need to go home

Bye bye Sun

Okay bye

I walk outside and was about to go to the main entrace, when someone called my name.

"Y/n!" I turned around and saw Sunwoo and Jacob walking towards me.

"Sunbaenim!" I bowed at both of them and I can see Sunwoo shaking his head.

"I told you to call me Sunwoo, didn't I?" I glanced at him and smiled.

"Ah yeah sorry"

"Let's go." He pulled me and to the parking lot. I kept glancing at Jacob because he have his phone at us the whole time.

"Uhh Jacob-ssi, can you stop filming us" I smiled sheepishly before Sunwoo opened the door at the passenger seat.

"Nonono Jacob sunbae should be the one in there" I was about to go at the backseat when Jacob beat me to it.

"I love sitting at the back seat" He smiled. And make himself comfortable at the backseat

"Uhh okay?

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