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Sunwoo's POV

She's a fan, but she doesn't- i mean she can't pick a bias.

"Sunwoo, let's go!" Younghoon hyung yelled and I realized that  I'm the only one left in the practice room.

I quickly grab my bag and ran towards the door. We're walking towards the van and I sat on the front beside the window with Eric on my right side.

"Hyung, who is that?" He asked looking at me with sus​pi​cious eyes.

"Who's who?" I asked back while glancing at everyone that looks tired and some even slowly drifting to sleep.

"The one that keeping you busy with your phone"

"Oh, a fan" I simply said before taking out my earphones and playing some random music.

But before I could do that, Sangyeon hyung yelled and all of the members groaned.

"What is it hyung?" Chanhee asked, kinda annoyed.

"We're free for a week! We don't have any schedules!" He smiled then look back at his phone after seeing some of us mini celebrating out of excitement or can only smile out of tiredness.


A few minutes later, we arrived at our dorm. We lazily got out from the van towards the elevator. But since we are so many to fit in one go, we divided ourselves into two. Me, Eric, Haknyeon, Kevin, Jacob and Chanhee. And the others is Sangyeon, Juyeon, Younghoon, Hyunjae and Changmin.

We go in first. After we arrived, I suddenly remembered something.

"I forgot the password" I told them but Chanhee hyung typed it even before I could finish my sentence. Before we got in, I saw some boxes outside the door next to our door which is another dorm but smaller.

Ap​par​ent​ly, our floor which is the 5th floor only has two dorms. And of course, ours is bigger than the other and I don't know why they didn't divide the space properly.

Before I could get in, the elevator opens showing our hyungs. I smiled at them before entering inside not bothering to close the door.

I entered our room and a loud sound of shattering was heard and I im​me​di​ate​ly rush towards the living room only to see Juyeon hyung sighing beside the door and slowly picked some pieces of the glass.

We're all tired after a long day, and maybe he just didn't intentionally did that.

I sighed and walk back in our room. I plopped on my bed and decided to message that fangirl after changing into some confortable clothes.


Who's your bias?

All of this things is made up! So if there's really an username like that is just a coincidence

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