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Your POV

They all slept at my apartment and I'm the first one to woke up. Someone is stopping me from getting up and I turned around and saw Youngjo hugging my arm.

Oh yeah. We all slept at my living room in a big bed made by thick comforters so we could all fit. They moved all of my furniture at one side so we are all at the front of the tv.

I slowly remove his arm and stood up. I looked at my left side and saw Dongju sleeping cutely while hugging Hwanwoong.

After I made my way at my room, I started stretching before taking a bath.

I went back at the kitchen to prepare breakfast and I saw Seoho already making breakfast so I decided to just help him.

"Goodmorning, Seoho"

"Oh y/n, Goodmorning" He smiled and we made breakfast together before we went back at the living room to wake the others up only to see Leedo and Harin taking pictures of the rest who's still asleep.

We all snickered and started to wake everyone else.

After eating and of course, cleaning my apartment, they all left. I decided to post something because its been so long since the last one.


ONEUS 'Come Back Home' Music Video Coming Soon! Finally after our long wait! Let's stream together To Moons!

ONEUS 'Come Back Home' Music Video Coming Soon! Finally after our long wait! Let's stream together To Moons!

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And I posted some announcement saying:

Yes. I'm still alive. Just busy so maybe I'll post once or twice a week. And...maybe I'll make this account inactive for a while if I can't really update. But please wait for me <33

I tried to message Sunwoo on his twitter account but he already deleted it and I sighed. I decided to message him from his number instead.

Sunwoo-ssi, do we have practice today?

Yes. Pack some extra cloths because we're going at the company building. We'll practice there. See you in ten minutes.

"Ten minutes?!" I yelled and immediately changed into some decent cloths and packed extra cloths for the practice which is a gray hoodie and gray sweatpants. A classic.

Right after I am done with packing the cloths, someone knocked on my front door and I grabbed two white mini towels and my phone.

I put my backpack and opened the door revealing Sunwoo.

"Hello y/n. Let's go?" I nodded and locked my door.


We arrived at the building and we went inside a practice room. I went to the restroom to change my cloths and went back only to see Sunwoo already setting the speakers.

I took out my laptop and connect it at the speaker. I play Red Moon by Kard because we agreed that this is what we will gonna present in front of all of their artist and trainees next week. And of course, in front of the CEOs and managers

I stood up and accidentally met eyes with Sunwoo. He walk towards me and put his arm around my shoulder before turning us at the mirror. Only I realise that he's also wearing a hoodie and sweatpants but only in black.

"You really love hoodies, don't you?"

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