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Your POV

After being stuck at the elevator for about twenty minutes, the power is back and i'm bow currently on a rush to make my way outside when someone suddenly stopped me.

I turned around and saw Sunwoo holding my wrist.

"You're going at the cre.ker building...right?" He asked still not letting go of my wrist.

"Uh...yeah. Why?" I tried shaking his hand off and he did let go of me.

"You can come with me. I mean, if you're gonna take the bus, you'll be late" I thought about it and slowly nodded.

Or I can just walk? No that'll take me longer

"Great let's go!" Good thing he has his mask on so no one can recognize him.

He pulled me in the parking lot and told me to sit at the passenger's seat. He started to drive towards the building and not wanting to talk and possibly end up in an awkward situation, I took my phone out and messaged Sun.

Yah Sun!


Are you busy negotiating with the clouds to not block your beauty and shine?

Sun! I need to tell you something!

I got bored waiting for his answer. I turned my head around to look at Sunwoo, admiring his side profile. He coughed, snapping me out of my thoughts and looked straight ahead.

"Sunwoo-ssi" I called and look at him. He replied with a 'yeah'

"How'd you know I was going at your company's building?" I asked. Obviously confused

"Well.....I saw your performance yesterday and I recognized you when I hit your elbow. Sorry about that by the way." I covered my face with my hand, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Oh God" I mumbled. Embarrassed. Then I heard him laughing

"No need to be embarrassed, you're actually good" He smiled after parking his car and looking at me.

"Thanks Sunwoo-ssi" I bowed at him after getting out of the car.

"No need to be formal, just call me Sunwoo." He smiled. That smile!!! Finally my bias list is now at peace.

"Okay, bye Sunwoo!" I smiled and thought I saw him blush before looking down.

We entered the building and parted ways. I went at the same room and thank God i'm not the only one who's still not there.

After some time, the three judges entered the room and they all stood up in front of all the applicants including me who's at the front.

"We'll be announcing the results." Mr. Kim told us and looked at the folder in his hands.

"Out of 57 applicants, only 12 of you will be accepted as trainees." Mr. Oh continued.

I widened my eyes. Only 12?! Okay im out-

"I'll show you the results now" Mrs. Choi spoke and showed us the results on tv behind his back.

Where's my name.....

Where is it.....

What's my name again?.....



Wait... don't tell me...

"I passed!" I whispered yell! I glanced at the girls who's talking nonsense yesterday and saw the other glaring at me and the other almost in tears

Well, I think karma hit them hard

I smiled to myself and my thoughts got cut of because of mr. Kim talking.

"All of your accounts must be put on inactive state"

I shall keep my account a secret. Wait. Can I?

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