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Third Person's POV

Y/n can't sleep after the confession and she's been staring at her ceiling for the past two hours.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked herself and slapped her right cheeks.

"Maybe tomorrow, I'll be back into the real world. I just need to sleep. Right sleep..." She sighed before turning off the lights.

"Yeah I just need some sleep" she keep on trying to make herself believe that its all a dream.

All of Youngjo oppa's hard work of hiding me from the media will be nothing if they'll find out about me and Sunwoo.

I mean, I was the one who doesn't wanna be exposed.

"If there is even me and him"

Sunwoo's POV

"Sunwoo and y/n sitting on a tree, K I S S-" I hit Hyunjoon on his head and groaned.

"What do you mean?" Chanhee hyung asked and all of the members looked at me.

"Sunwoo confe-" I put my hand on Eric's mouth and glared at him.

"Oh come on Sunwoo! You can never hide something from us!" Hyunjae hyung shook me and I let go of Eric's mouth.

"Is my ship finally sailing?!" Jacob hyung yelled and jump.

"You should change your account name, Sunwoo. Don't use your name, its too obvious" Sangyeon hyung suggested and I turned to look at him.

"There's no point of hiding the truth" I said and looked down.

"What do you mean?" Changmin hyung asked.

"Kim Sunwoo, you are checkmate!" Kevin hyung yelled and walk towards me before hitting my arm.

"Aw what was that for?!" I glared at him before rubbing my arm.

"If manager finds out about this, we're all doomed!" Younghoon hyung yelled and we all looked at him.

"That's why i'm gonna delete both of my account!" I let my hands run down my face.

"How can you message y/n now?" Younghoon hyung asked.

"I have her number"

"Really?! Since when?! How?! Why?!" They're all acting like fanboys.

Are they really in the hyung line?

"Err because we're partners. That's why I wanted to be partners with her. I wanted to be closer to her" They all screamed and squealed.

"Y/n knew about this already, right? That's why we have no choice but to delete your account" Kevin hyung contined after they're little celebration.

"Then what do you mean by Checkmate?" Hyunjoon hyung asked.

"He has no choice but to give up being a fake fan" Kevin hyung looked at me.

"What is the connection?" Changmin yelled and we all cover our ears.

"In chess, when we said checkmate, its game over. It means, we have no other choice but to accept the lose" Kevin hyung explained.

"Hyung! Since when did you learn chess?" Haknyeon hyung asked and went close to Kevin hyung

"Since as young as I can remember?" He just shrugged and looked at his phone again.

"You didn't even told us?!" Hyunjae hyung place his hand on his chest.

"You're so dramatic. And I thought no one is interested in chess since you all play janggi" He said.

"Hyung! Teach me how-" Haknyeon got cut of.

"Can't you let me explain myself?!" I almost yelled and they all looked at me shocked. I hung my head low.

"She already knew that I'm 'Itsdefinitelysunwoo' and she's pretty mad that I lied to her"

"What did you do after that?" Hyunjae hyung asked looking at me so serious.

"I told her t-that her" They all stared at me for a good one minute before they started to squeal like a teenage girls and jumped up and down.

They all looked like they are some kind of lunatics partying at our dorm. They are not even the ones who can possibly get a girlfriend, or maybe boyfriend. Then my eyes landed on Eric

"Eric?! Why are you crying?!" I asked and rushed over to him.

"My bestfriend have a girlfriend and now his time for his members specially me will be lesser" He hugged me and I pushed him before patting his head.

"That will never happen. We're not together. She even pushed me outside her house after I said those words" I said before hugging him again.

"She just pushed you! Maybe she's flustered and can't face you! She didn't even say that she doesn't like you!" Haknyeon squeal

"She likes you too, right?!" Jacob hyung held both of my shoulders.

"Yeah...she kinda accidentally confessed to me because she thought i'm just a fanboy. But...i'm not sure now"

"I ship them!" Juyeon hyung yelled all of a sudden.

"She's the new trainee and your partner right?" Chanhee hyung asked and I nodded.

"We've been talking about that for like...a minute ago!" Changmin said to Chanhee

"Maeil bam Down for your love down for your love ohh~ down down down down for your love!" They all sang together while throwing pillows at me.

"Guys stop!" I groaned but a small smiled is painted on my face.

"Our Sunwoo is inlove~" Sangyeon hyung sang.

"Guys stop..." I just went at my shared room with Juyeon and Younghoon hyung.

I layed on my bed and smiled at myself.

Maybe making a fake account isn't that bad after all

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