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Your POV

"Hello y/n!" Is his first words after I opened the door.

"Sunwoo-ssi? What are you doing here?" I asked and pushed him outside and closed the door.

"We have practice today, remember? But I need to go earlier because of a meeting." Now that he reminded me of it, we do have a practice today.

"I forgot! Can you...wait here for a sec?" I walked back inside and sat next to Dongju.

"Dongju, we have practice today and we can't let him see you, right?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I promise we'll end earlier today because they have a meeting later. You can stay at my room or come back here later" I asked. He then held my hands and smiled at me.

"I'll just wait in your room. And I'm not only waiting for you, but your respond also" He kissed the back of my hand before going to my room and locking it.

I stood there for a couple of seconds before letting Sunwoo in.

"Come in" We both went to the practice room and started to practice.


After about two hours of practice, Sangyeon called Sunwoo .

"I'm so sorry. I have to go now" but before he go, he kissed my cheeks and ran outside my apartment.

I stood there, shocked. Dongju kissed me before but I didn't feel this weird feeling, like the one that i'm feeling right now. I snapped out of my day dream and walk at my room.

Is it because he kissed me in the cheeks?

But no. They said a kiss on the hand is more heart fluttering, right?

I slowly opened the door and saw Dongju sleeping peacefully at my bed. I walk over to him and sat at the edge of the bed. I caressed his hair and stared at his sleeping face.

Thir Person's POV

"Dongju, are you awake?" She asked in a shushed tone. He was about to reply and move when y/n spoke again.

"I'm so sorry, Dongju" She whispered and touched Dongju's cheeks.

"But I can't return your feelings. I can only see you as a close friend and a brother" She tried holding her tears. She's afraid that she'll hurt Dongju's feelings. And she know she will.

"I hope you understand. I don't want to lose a friend like you" Dongju is hurt. He already saw it coming but it's still painful.

He heard qui​et sobs and he opened his eyes.

"...Please stop crying" He pulled y/n into a hug and caressed her hair. Y/n is shocked that Dongju's awake and he heard her.

Atleast she already said what she wanna say. Plus, she didn't know Dongju is awake, making it easier to reject him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sor-" Y/n keep on repeating because she can't really see Dongju being hurt and here she is, the one who's hurting him.

"Its okay, y/n. I knew you already like someone and I can't change that. I just want for you to know what I feel towards you. They said it helps people to move on" She hugged him tightly and cry even harder.

"But y/n, promise me one thing" He broke the hug and looked staright at y/n's puffy eyes. She nodded

"Nothing will change between us, okay? Promise me" She nod and he pulled her again into a tight hug before pulling away. He wiped y/n's tears and smiled.

"Now, should we watch a movie?"

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