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Your POV

I'm still sleeping when someone knocked on my front door. I stayed up late at night watching three long movies in a row. And guess what I earned, yep eyes bags.

Not caring what I look, I lazily stood up and went to the front door. I opened the door while rubbing my eyes.

"Who is it? It's still early" I said grumpy and looking who might it be. When my brain finally registered who's infront of me, I shut the door close.

"Uhh give me ten minutes!" I yelled before rushing towards the bathroom to changed cloths and brush my teeth.

I ran back at the front door and smiled. I let him in and shut the door.

"Sorry for waiting, you're so early" I let him seat at the couch while I grabbed him some water. When I go back, he's watching tv.


"I'm not early, you're just late" He said while looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked a little offended.

"Its 10 in the morning" I widened my eyes and walk towards my room to find my phone that's lying on my bedside table.


"Oh gosh" I went back at the living room.

"Let's start practicing" I said and bowed my head a little

"You should eat first, I brought kimchi fried rice made by Younghoon hyung" He smiled before handing me a lunch box.

"Thanks sunba- Sunwoo" I smiled and went to the kitchen to eat.

Sun. Are you up?

Why do you think its bright outside?

Uhh because of the sun?


Uhh okay. I'm not buying that joke.

And I'm not selling my joke!


Anyways~ I'll tell who's my crush! I can't keep it to myself anymore!!!

Really?!?!? Who is it???

Okay, my crush is my bias...

Your bias in The Boyz?

Yep~ but please don't make fun of me okay? And don't be mad at me

Why would I be mad at you?

Uhh cuz he's your bias?


Is it Sunwoo???

Err yeah


Before I can reply on Sun's message, I heard someone yelling and its obviously sunwoo so I ran outside and to the living room.

"What is it?" I asked looking around.

"N-nothing" I looked at him because he looks like a tomato.

"Are you sick? We can skip our practice" I said concered and I walked towards him and sat next to him.

"N-no. We need to practice so you can improve more." I just nod and look away.

"Are you done eating?"

"Uh yeah let's go" I stood up and so was he and followed me at the practice room

"So that's why I always heard music at our wall" I looked at him confused.

"Our room is on the other side of this wall" My mouth formed an 'O' and I plugged my laptop at the speakers.

"Im so sorry about the loud musics this past days. The boys are the one who's playing it loud" I stood up and bowed.

"Nonono don't bow at me! And its okay!" He blushed which I found cute and we scroll through my laptop to find a song with perfect choreo.


I can't feel any emotions while writing this it good? Please tell me what you think of this story <3

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