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Your POV

"Why did you chose Red Moon by Kard?" He asked looking at me curious.

"Err because we need to perform this and they are a mixed group so its perfect for both of us" I said before playing the video.

After watching, I played it again all the way to the start and started copying some moves while still analyzing the dance.

I heard someone laughing and I looked at Sunwoo who smiled at me.

"What?" I asked looking back at the video.

"You're cuter when you're focused" He again laughed but this time, I glared at him.

Did he just call me cute?! Oh God I need water!

"I'll just go get some water" I ran outside and lean against the wall.

"He's just used to it. Telling his fans cute, its nothing" I mumbled and walks towards the kitchen

After getting some water bottles, I walk back at the dance practice room and saw him copying some moves.

I gave him his water bottle and I sat near the door and opened my phone. Sun sent me messages.

You like Sunwoo? Why?

Oh gosh please don't be mad. Wait- are you jealous?

Why would I be jealous? I'm not mad, just answer me

Idk. I can't describe it. I just like him?

You just do?

You can like someone without any reason.

There must be a reason

He's cute but hot at the same time. Childish but mature? And he's easily scared and when he does he's cute af

He's caring and lovable. Maybe that's the reason why I liked him.

See?! You have so many reasons!

How 'bout you? Who's your little crush? Ey~



"What the heck?!" I yelled, brought my phone closer to my eyes then back and started typing.

Bruhh are you drunk?!

I'm just kidding! No, I don't like anyone in a way like that.

Are you sure? It's impossible for someone to not have a crush.

Yes its possible. Goodbye, I have to go!

You thought you can get away? Hah! I'll bug you later ~


I walk towards Sunwoo and almost laughed at his face.

"Are you okay? We can continue tomorrow if you're not feeling well" I said and played the video. He looks like a red tomato.

"No I'm okay. Let's start"

After practicing for hours, he said he's going to the bathroom and I told him that's its the last room on the right.

I sat next to the laptop and posted something new.

Look at this cutie!!! 😍

I decided to spam Sun with messages about his crush and so I did

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I decided to spam Sun with messages about his crush and so I did.

Sun! Sun! Sun!

Told ya I'll bug you

After I sent it, Sunwoo's phone that's laying next to my laptop, lighten. I got curious cuz its the third time his phone gave him notification whenever I sent Sun a message.

It can't be coincidence anymore.

I went closer and its off so I messaged Sun again.


Again it turned on his lockscreen and I widen my eyes. I stared at it not moving at all.


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