Chapter 2

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You panicked. After all, you were an otaku and a fujoshi. How were you going to explain the questionable bodypillows and the questionable books to him?! You had to do something quickly! You looked at Bucciarati, already starting to feel your cheeks hot and your heart racing.

"What? Is there something wrong?", the man asked concerned.

"Can you wait here a minute, please?", you asked, nervously.

"Of course. But is there something wrong?", then he frowned, smirking, "Or is it your secret?"

"N-No!", you blushed, "Just stay here!"

You quickly grabbed all of the yaoi manga and the bodypillows you had and threw them into your room, closing the door. Then you closed the door to your office. When you finally got to Bucciarati, you were sweating. He was where you left him.

"So... What do you like to eat?", you asked.

"I'll eat anything you make for me- I-I mean, I'll eat anything."

"Hum... Ok. I'll make something fast."


You invited him to the kitchen. It was a small space but you didn't mind. It was enough for you. After all, your parents wanted you to be independent. Besides, after what you told them about what you would like to do for a career, they didn't want you anymore. 

The mafia capo offered to help you but you told him that you were alright. But he insisted. He was so stubborn. So, you told him to go cut some vegetables, Bucciarati did what he was told and in a matter of half an hour, you had your dinner ready. The man grabbed both of your plates and walked until the table you had in the room. You started to eat with him in silence. That is, until he asked:

"So, what are you studying in college?"

"Didn't you know everything?", you teased him.

Bucciarati smirked:

"In my defense, I said I could know everything. I don't know everything."

"Fair enough.", you sighed, "I study Molecular Biology."

"Why do you sound so sad about it?"

"Because I really don't like it.", you smiled, nervously.

"Then why-"

"I didn't want to disappoint my parents even more.", you rubbed the back of your head, "I'm already on thin ice with them. But I don't wanna talk about it right now. So, please, don't ask."

"Ok, I won't."

"What about you?"


"Yes. What would you do if it wasn't for this mafia thing?"

"I'd probably be a fisherman."

You almost spit your food, laughing. Bucciarati blushed a little, confused and amazed at the same time.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just that being a fisherman was the last thing on my list. I was expecting something like a doctor or a lawyer. I don't know... Doctor Bucciarati sound good to me."

"Oh, really?", he got red when you called him that.

"It has nice ring to it."

"Hum... If you say so. Who am I to judge? But anyways, what would you like to do as a job then?"

"I like to draw. I mean, I'm already going to conventions to sell my stuff. And people buy it, so... I guess I'm decent somehow. I wanted to make a living out of it."

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