Chapter 13

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Your POV

"You are amazing! I'm so grateful for all the doujinshis you've done!", Trish said to you. You didn't recognise it was her at first but you recognise Bucciarati, so you knew that the girl was in fact Trish, "Can you please sign your knew ones? I tried to order the special edition on the site but it was already sold out. Please!", she begged.

"Of course I will sign.", you said, taking a pen to your hand.

One of your new doujinshis was a bruabba one. That's why you were waiting for Bruno to shout at you. However, nothing happened. You opened the first page and sign that one. After that, you signed your original bl comic. It was already the 4th volume. You weren't expecting that she was reading that one too.

"Thank you for coming.", you said.

"Thank you for existing.", she said back, almost in tears, "I'm having a mental breakdown right now! Sorry... I'm just really happy, Miss Kai.", Bucciarati got a tissue for her, "You're my favorite artist of all time."

Already, at least ten girls started crying on front of you. You got used to it but always tried to calm them down.

"Can I just ask a question before I leave, Miss?"

"Oh, of course!"

"How do you come up with your ideas? They're amazing! It's like the thing that I always wanted but never imagined!"

"I-I mean, I don't really know. The ideas appear when I'm sleeping and they sound really cool in my head, so I give them a shot. That's all there is to it."

"Oh, and another thing. It's quick. Did you already read Koisuru Boukun?"

"YES!", you shouted happily, "Of course I have. I love Tatsumi and his bad temper."

"Oh, ok! I just wanted to know.", she smiled at you, "Now, I have to leave. It was a pleasure, Miss Kai."


At lunch time, the convention that you were in closed all of the artists' tables. So, you locked all your things and went through a door that leaded to small rooms where the artists that didn't want to reveal their identity could have lunch and chill a little bit before coming back to work.

You entered in yours and took out your mask, glasses and hat, sighing in relief. However, when you looked over to your right, Bucciarati was standing there. You jumped, scared.

"What are you doing here?! How did yo-"

"Every man has his secrets.", he smirked, "How are the sails?", he approached you.

"You saw for yourself.", you sighed, sitting on the only table in that room.

Bucciarati sat by your side while you took your lunch out. Thankfully, you brought lunch for two people  because normally you would be starving by this hour. After all, you had your breakfast at 5 p.m. in the morning.

"Trish is your biggest fan. I never saw her cry."

"I wasn't expecting that either. I mean, normally some fans cry but I wasn't expecting Trish to do it."

"Now, I need to ask you. What were those things about me and why didn't you tell me?"

You already knew that he was going to ask about that. However, Bucciarati didn't look mad or anything.

"You see... Many girls in Naples think that you and Abbacchio would make a great pair. And honestly, my fujoshi side believe it too. You two would be totally hot together.", this was the fastest you've talked in a while, "This is why I didn't want you to know. Because I feel you're going to scream at me..."

Bruno grabbed your hand:

"Honestly, I would never date Abbacchio. But if this is what you like to draw... I mean, I really couldn't care less about it. Because you and I know that my heart is with you."

"Even in embarassing situations, you are compreensive.", you smiled, "You are taking the fact that I draw you making love with Abbacchio quite well."

"Wait. I am on top, right?"

You nervously smiled:

"N-Not exatcly."

"What?! That I can't accept! I know that I would top Abbacchio!", he was actually irritated.

"We aren't going to discuss this, I guarantee you."

"Why not?! You just told me I would give my butt to Abbacchio! Not in a million years!"

You just laughed, not expectiong Bruno to react how he reacted. He just looked at you, confused.

"Why would you make me a bottom?!"

"Just for the reason that Abbacchio is much bigger and scarier than you."

"Wha- He is not! I can be scary too."

"No, you are just cute. That's why I like you."

Bucciarati looked at you, smirking. Then, you just realized what you said and blushed too:

"N-No! It's not what I wanted to say!", you panicked, "I-I meant that- Where are Trish and Narancia right now?"

"They're having lunch. I said that I wouldn't lunch with them."

"You are lucky that I brought lunch for two people."

"I am indeed.", he smiled.

You just ate your food in silence, nervous about what you said to Bucciarati. But he didn't bother you anymore, so it should be okay. You saw the time pass. The lunch hour was almost over. So you clenaed the place with Bruno's help and went to go get your stuff that was leaned on the wall. However, when you turned around again, the man was close to you, making you lean agaisnt the wall just to put some distance between you two.

"Br-Bruno... What are you doing?", you blushed while he got closer.

"What I must've done when you were at our house when I had the chance.", he leaned into you, putting one his hands on your cheek, "Unless you don't want to...", he looked at your lips while you looked at his', "Last chance."

You didn't say anything, so he just kissed you there. You let your things on the floor and grabbed the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Bucciarati pressed you agaisnt the wall, kissing you slowly. At this moment, you were a blushing mess but you didn't want him to stop. His scent, his warm and soft lips, his caring hands... Everything was perfect.

When you finally had to break the kiss for some air, you just wanted to get back in his arms. However, you knew you had to go. And Bucciarati knew too. So he got away from you, giving you the oportunity to pick your stuff.

You two covered yourselves with your disguise, without saying a word to one another. Before you could turn the doorknob, Bucciarati aproached you from behind, saying:

"You better be at your house at 9 p.m. I'm going to take you to dinner and you can't say no."

"O-Ok.", you blushed, wanted to kiss him again.

You finally got out of the room and you two never spoke again until night.

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