Chapter 18

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Your POV

When you got out of work, Bucciarati was already waiting for you. The man said he wanted to take you to some place but didn't say where. You found it strange but agreed.

"Bruno, can't we just go on my car? I don't want to leave it here.", you said while entering in his car.

"No, cara. I promise you it will be here by morning."

"By morning? Where are you going to take me?"

"You'll see...", then he gave you a blindfolder and you looked at it confused, "Put it on, please. And don't peek. Or it'll ruin the surprise.", he smiled.

"Ok...", you sighed, in defeat.

You put the blindfolder on and Bucciarati started the engine. He drove you for thirty minutes. When the man finally stopped, you asked if you could take your blindfolder off. But he said no. You heard him exit the car and go to aid you to exit the car yourself. You couldn't see nothing but you could smell the ocean. So, you were at the docks for what you could hear and smell.

"Give me your hand to guide you."

"I swear to God,", you gave him your hands, "if I fall, I'll kill you.", you smiled.

"You won't. I'm here for you."

You didn't know but Bucciarati called Sticky Fingers out to help him guide you. After some minutes walking, you could now hear the seagulls which meant that you were closing in on the sea. Then you two finally stopped and Bruno let go of you, saying that you could finally take the blindfolder off. 

You opened your mouth in shock. You were literally looking at a medium size yacht. You looked over to Bucciarati, who was smiling at you.

"You have to stop with the big and expensive surprises!"

"That I can't promise.", he shook his head, "Now, could we go in? The captain is waiting for us to board. Our dinner is inside with the chef."

"Captain? Chef? Dinner?"

"Yes, amore mio."

"Let's go then!"

Bucciarati led you to a fabulous table within the yacht. The chef quickly brought your plates. They smelled and looked delicious. You started to dig in with Bucciarati. He always took you to expensive dates. He wouldn't accept taking you to places that weren't worth of a princess. You dind't know how but, for two times, you convinced him in coming with you to the movies. And one time to a simple walk on the park.

"How was your day?", you asked.

"It was alright. But now it's one thousand times better because I'm with you."

"Always so romantic."

"Of course, bella. I always try my better for you."

"I was thinking and you sure would be a great poet."

"Oh, you think so?", he frowned, surprised.

And the conversation went on until you finished the food. Some men took your plates and Bucciarati got up, offering you his hand:

"Will you come out with me?"

"Sure!", you said happily, taking his hand.

He took you outside to see the moon. You were not far from the coast. But you weren't near either. The wind on your hair made you put it behind your ears. That was when Bucciarati called you. He grabbed your hand and your attention was all on him.

"Since the first day you walked in Libbeccio's, I started looking at you. I can't forget that moment. It was like you had a bright aura around you. You were the preetiest woman around. With time, my feelings for you started to grow and the only thing on my head was you. And, on that night, I finally gathered the courage to talk to you. And I found out you were perfect for a guy like me."


"In this two months, I proved myself right. You are funny, beautiful, independent... You are amazing the way you are. I mean, I can't understand your hobbies very well but I could talk with you about them about hours and hours just to see your eyes light up and your beautiful smile. That's some of the many reasons that I have for wanting to make you mine. I love you. So", he took a white ring with some golden details of his pocket, "Please be my girlfriend."

You couldn't handle it anymore. You started to cry. It was perfect. It was the most beautiful thing that someone said to you.

"Wha-What's wrong?! Was I that bad? Dammit, I knew I should've gone with the fireworks...", he panicked.

"Bruno...", you hug him strongly, "I love you too."

"That was all I wanted to hear.", he smiled, hugging you too.

After some time, you finally looked up at Bucciarati, just to lock your lips with his'. He was finally your boyfriend. You were doubting his feelings but now you believed him completly. He was serious about you.

"Thank you, principessa. I'm the happiest man on the planet now.", he put the ring on your finger. You looked at it and smiled, "What's wrong?", he asked.

"I don't even want to know how much this ring cost..."

"It's better if you don't know, yes."

You two laughed loudly. Now it was time to get home.


You and Bruno were already at your door. He had his hands on his pockets at the same time you opened the door to your apartment.

"Thank you so much for today.", you blushed while smiling shyly.

He seemed to be spacing out, so you called him again. He only listened at the third time.

"Are you okay?"


Before you could do anything else, Bucciarati pushed you inside with him and closed the door. A second later, you were already pinned on the wall, facing him. Your face went red in a matter of a couple of heartbeats and you couldn't say anything before your boyfriend kissed you. You just went with it for a few minutes. Then, Bruno's tongue made its way to your mouth and you opened your eyes, just to see his locked with yours. You closed them again, in embarassement.

Not much time later, you felt his lips disconnect from yours. You looked at him in disbelief for what he gained the courage to do.

"Maybe it's better if I go now.", he said still serious.


"We'll see each other again tomorrow. Have a good night. I love you."

"H-Have a good night too. I love you too.", you said before he leaved you alone in there. 

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