Chapter 28

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You tried getting Bruno to answer your question for two days. But he didn't even budge and when you thought that he had no way to escape your questioning, someone on the gang came to save him. However, tonight, you wouldn't let it slide.

When you went to lay down with his, you weren't going to let him sleep before he answered your questions.

"Bruno.", you called.

"Yes, tesoro?", he opened his eyes, looking directly at you.

"What's a Stand?", you knew he was going to sigh but you were ready, "Before you even try to brush it off like the last two days, I am warning you not to. Please tell me. What's so secretive about it?"

"You wouldn't understand because you can't see them."

"I can't see what? Stands?"

"I didn't want to have this talk now. The guys ruined everything.", he put his hands on his face.

"Why? You're making me worried.", you said, "No more being around the bush, tell me the truth."

"You won't believe me..."

"Bruno Bucciarati, I believed in you since the first day. Why do you think I opened for you?"

He sat up on the bed and turned on the bed lamp. Your boyfriend invited you to do the same, so you sat up by his side.

"Ok. To put it simple, a Stand is a physical manifestation of your mental energy.", Bucciarati started, "Only people with a Stand can see each other. You can't see them. I have one. The entire gang has their own. La Squadra has their own too. You think that I'm a liar, don't you?"

"I-I mean, it's hard for me to understand something that I can't see. But I trust you. You aren't a liar.", you smiled at him, still processing the information that he had given you. You grabbed his hand, "What does it serve for?"

"Mostly fighting."

"What's yours? What does it look like?"

"I can't possibly describe it, believe me. Its name is Sticky Fingers."

"Oh. Can it touch me?"

He sighed, smiling:

"It can do more than that."

"What do you mean by th-", you felt something grabbing you and holding you in its arms.

You looked around. It seemed that you were floating in the air. Bucciarati was still on the bed without touching you. You gasped. There was really something in that room with you two. You smiled:

"It looks like I'm flying!"

"Not for me. I'm holding you up."

You started to feel the Stand for its head:

"Wh-What are you doing, (Y/N)?"

You didn't respond until you found what you were looking for. You patted Sticky Fingers head and you saw Bruno's hair moving a bit. You immediately stopped what you were doing and went into shock:

"You felt it?!"

"Yes. Of course I feel it. It's like you're patting me."

"Then, if I do this.", you kissed somewhere on Sticky Fingers head, "you feel it?"

Your boyfriend touched on a place on his now red cheek:

"Now, you've done it."

At the same time he put the covers aside, his Stand brought you to his lap and then let go of you just to Bruno take over. Your boyfriend rolled over, making you lay on the bed instead. With his lips just inches apart from yours, he said:

"You're teasing me again? I've told you not to do that."

"Oh, come on. I just wanted to to an experiment. It worked!"

"What was the purpose? Making me blush?"

"Actually, yeah.", you put your arms around his neck, "It is really cute."

"Don't kiss my Stand when you have the real one right here, cara."

"So, you're jeaulous of your Stand now?", you laughed.

Bruno didn't find it funny so to shut you up, he kissed you. You corresponded the kiss still with a smile on. How could he, Bruno Bucciarati, be jeaulous over a part of him? 

At a certain moment into your make out session, you had a question:

"Bruno, does it have some special power?"

"Hum? What? Sticky Fingers?"


"My power isn't exactly a good power to show... And-", he fell by your side on the bed.

"Come on! Tell me!"

"Ugh... You're really stubborn. But ok... I can unzip and zip everything. Even myself."

"You can unzip a wall?"


"Oh, really?! Someday I wanna see that!", you smiled.

"I'll show you everything you want. But not today. I wanna cuddle with you and sleep."

"Ok, Bruno. Thank you for telling me this secret thing."

"I wanted you to know. I just didn't find the right time and-"

"If we have kids, they're going to have this things too?"

"It's a chance, yes.", he smiled at you.

"And I won't see it?"

"No... That's the sad part."

"Your parents had one?"

"No. I obtained my Stand from another way. But I'm certain that it is hereditary."


"Trish's father has one. And she has one too now."


"But enough talking about Stands and stuff. I wanna kiss you...", he kissed several times on the face.

You giggled:

"Come here, honey."


"So, you told her everything?", Abbacchio asked, putting coffee on his cup.

You were all having breakfast on the living room. They all looked at you and Bucciarati.

"Yes, I've told her everything. You can act normal now."

You looked over to your boyfriend confused. But then you saw a mug floating in the air to Trish:


Giorno literally started putting butter on his bread without actually using his hands. Mista started talking to the air:

"Number 3, stop hitting number 5! There's enough ham to everyone!"

Then, the pieces of ham that the gunslinger cut started disappearing.

"So, they eat?", you asked.

"Just Mista's.", said Fugo after drinking his milk.

"You guys could've tell me sooner!", you sighed.

"The boss didn't want it.", Narancia said, stuffing his mouth with bread, "You know how Bucciarati is protective of you. Don't blame us, blame him."

"In my defense-", started your boyfriend.

"The problem is solved, isn't it?", Abbacchio asked, "Then just shut up about it."

"You are really cold sometimes, Abbacchio.", sighed Mista.

"No one asked your opinion, Mista!"

You smiled while they argued. You loved being with them. They were really fun. Bruno saw you smile, so he grabbed your hand under the table, making you look at him. He smiled back at you. You blushed, turning your head. You wouldn't change this for nothing. Your new family was there. And you loved them.

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