Chapter 29

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"No!", you screamed, not believing what you were seeing.

You dropped on the floor with your heart racing. Bucciarati kneeled down at you, hugging you:

"It's going to be okay. I promise."

"Someone took it all!"

You were in the floor of your office because of a robbery. It all started when your boyfriend went to left you at your house after the vacation with the gang. He offered himself to carry the bags to your apartment. However, when you two got out of the elevator, you noticed that your door was opened.

Bruno entered first, saying that you should stay behind him. Yet, there was no one there beside you two, what it was strange. However, when you entered your office, your jaw opened and it was then that you realized that your office was empty. No book on the shelves, no paintings on the walls, and no computer or Wacom on the desk... Your heart sank.

When you finally calmed down, your boyfriend took you to the living room:

"Are you sure nothing else was taken?"

"Y-Yes.", you sobbed.

"I don't want to say this but we two know who did it."

"T-They said they would stay away..."

"There are many possibilities to overcome that statement... I'll do everything I can to bring your things back.", he started saying, walking to the door.

"Wait!", you said, getting up.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I don't feel safe here. Can you just wait five minutes for me to talk to Adriano? I'll stay in his house for the next days.", you took out your phone.

"You can stay with me.", Bucciarati quickly said, "That's not necessary to bother your friend."

"I don't want to be a bother to you too. I'm always there now and-"

"That's why you can come live with us."

You didn't say anything. Bruno noticed what he said seconds after and blushed:

"I-I wanted to say-"

"You want me to come live with you?"

"Now, I can't deny it. I've wanted it for so long...", he sighed, "But I won't be mad if you don't want to."

"I guess I can try... But I need an office."

"I can share mine. You can have your corner."


You started packing some clothes and some of your otaku things that the robbers left behind. Bucciarati helped you and made some trips to the car to take your stuff. Honestly, in the middle of this crazy situation, you found a little happiness. You were going to live with your boyfriend from that day on.


"(Y/N), what happened?!", Trish asked when she saw you arrive with Bucciarati.

"Her house got robbed.", Bruno said before you could.

"Oh no! That's terrible!", Narancia said, appearing on the door.

"She'll come live with us, ok? So, behave."

"(Y/N) is going to live with us?", Abbacchio asked, passing by.

"If you all don't mind.", you responded.

"Of course not.", Mista said, "After all, Bucciarati is always talking about you. Now, he doesn't need to."

"Thank you.", you smiled.

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