The Questions (Pt 1)

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"No.", said Abbacchio even before you could ask him anything.

"Why not? I need your help!"

"I won't even answer you. Let me see if I get it: you want me in a room with Bucciarati to discuss very hipothetical questions about a impossible relationship with him?! Are you fucking serious?!"

"Come on!", you begged, "Pretty please!"

"No means no!"

"But I need your help! I need your answers for my next doujinshi!"

"That's what scares me... I've seen your books."

"I'll kneel in front of you.", you did just that, "Please!"

He sighed:

"What did Bucciarati say?" 

"What do you think?", you smiled, "Of course he said yes. After all, I'm his fiancée. No way he would deny me."

"Ugh.", he said, "Ok, fine."


You sat in front of Bucciarati and Abbacchio in the living room. You had a notebook on your lap as well as a pen. Trish was sitting by your side. She wanted to watch the whole thing. You got your phone to record it at the same time.

"Thank you for being here.", you smiled.

"Not like I had a choice.", Abbacchio mumbled.

Bruno hit him on the shoulder and the ex cop sighed:

"Sorry. Can we just get over with this?"

"Don't be like that, Abbacchio.", Trish complained.

"It's okay.", you assured.

You looked at your notebook:

"So, if you were to date each other, you would ask the other one on a date first?"

"Me.", Bruno and Abbacchio answered at the same time.

Then they looked at each other surprised:

"You? Asking me first?", Abbacchio smirked, "You took months to ask (Y/N)! Are you insane?! I would just right away!"

"No, I would ask first.", your fiancée answered, "Sure, I would take a lot of time but you know Leone, I've been reading a lot of manga and you sound like-"

"A tsundere?", asked Trish.

"That's it! A tsundere!", you never thought that you'd hear your boyfriend say those words.

You started laughing with Trish. Bruno was confused and the ex cop was left there blushing like crazy. He even crossed his arms and pouted:

"If you don't stop, I'll get out of here!",

"S-Sorry, Abbacchio. I'll just continue.", you got to the next question, "Who would be the first to declare their love?"

"Me.", they repeated at the same time again.

"Oh my God, Leone! Of course it'd be me! Come on!"

"Bucciarati, for the love of God, are you fucking senil enow?! Just forget it! Even if we dated, I would still be the man of the relantionship! I would declare my love for you, kiss you and ask you to be my partner. No way you would do that!"

You and Trish were fangirling so hard because of their discussion. They would definitely make a good pair. However, now, you wouldn't give up on Bruno. You weren't that stupid. He was your man.

"Boys, calm down please! Let's go to the third question. After this one, there's only one more."

"Ok. But make it quick. I'm getting really pissed.", Abbacchio said.

"Where would you take the other one on a date to propose?"

"If I was with Abbacchio, I would take him to a nice restaurant and order the finnest wine they had. After that, I would probably propose at the end of the dinner.", Bruno answered.

"I would take him on a vacation and propose in front of a famous monument."

"Excellent answers. It seems I still have two questions. I'll be quick. So, would you have kids?"


"Definitely not. I can't put up with you all. No way I would have a baby."

"But Leone-"

"Bucciarati, we had this talk already. No more teenagers with an existencial crisis in this house."

"I-I know but-"

"No. No buts!" 

Your boyfriend was about to cry. He was so cute sometimes. Not that you found him crying cute but his face was too pure.

"Now.", you started again, "If you had kids, what would be their names. Say one for a girl and one for a boy, please."

"Angela and Matteo.", Bruno said. Then he looked at you, "Maybe in the future I'll have them."

You blushed and turned your attention to Abbacchio who was sighing:

"Look. I don't want more kids but I like the names Victoria and Lorenzo, okay?"

"More?", Trish asked, "You don't have any kids."

"To who am I talking to now? Aren't you a kid, Trish?"

"Not anymore! You hurt me sometimes. Abbacchio.", then Trish gasped and looked at you, "(Y/N), are you thinking of making an omegaverse?!"

"Of course. It's time to start doing one.", you smiled.

"Pardon my intrusion but what is an omegaverse?", Bruno asked, innocently, "I know the basic but I want to learn more."

"I'm going away now...", Abbacchio mumbled, while you and Trish started the talk with Bucciarati.

Sorry for the delay! I'm trying to finish the chapters but it's really complicated to write when you have literally a pile of homework on your first week. It's insane! But I still will try to upload a chapter once a week.

To those of you who are in school: have a good year and study hard! We'll make it! ( ^ ^ )

Protect yourselves and be happy! Until next time! ( > < )

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