The Questions (Pt 2)

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On the next day, it was Mista and Giorno's turn. They were more easy to convince than Abbacchio or even Fugo (who you were questioning in the evening). You sat down with Trish, as you did in the previous day, in front of the boys.

"So, I won't take much of your time since you have a mission in an hour "

"No problem, (Y/N).", said Mista, making himself confortable on the couch.

"We already have everything prepared, so ask away.",said Giorno.

"So, first of all, what are your favorite hobbies?"

"Does polishing my gun count?", Mista asked.

"Of course not, you dummy!", Trish sighed.

"I don't know. We don't have much free time. I like to eat, to read my magazines and not much more. OH, and sleeping. Sleeping is a big part of my day."

"I very much enjoy shooping, reading and writing. When I do have free time, at least.", Giorno answered.

"Ok, ok.", you wrote everything they said, " Next question: if you two were dating, who would be the one planning the dates?"

"Not that I would date him but it would be Giorno.", Mista answered, "I'm not much of a planner."

"We can see that...", Giorno sighed.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"Where would be your dream trip?"

"England seems nice.", the blond answered you.

"Nah, man. I've always wanted to go to Mexico.", Mista smiled, "Or Argentina. One of those."

"This is boring!", Trish whinned, "Let's go to the important questions: who would be the leader of the relantionship? Who would be the dominant?"

"Me.", the boys said at the same time.

"Uh?! Giorno, sorry man, but I'm the dominant here.", Mista declared.

"Sorry but this time I have to desagree, Mista. You can't even dress up right.",

You giggled with Trish while they argued. Then, when they finally finished, you asked them the rest of your questions. In the afternoon, after they leaved, you went to question Narancia and Fugo. You did the same questions that you did to the other two pairs.

After that, you went to your office to compile all the three files in one so you could listen to them at the same time you planned your new doujinshis. You were tired but you had to keep going. You spent two hours doing the first drafts after that. Then, you recieved a notification on your email. You opened it and went into shock. You couldn't believe what you were reading. You were simply blown away.

"TRISH!", you called out as soon as you opened the door, "I have news!"

The pink haired girl got out of her room and quickly got up to you:

"What's up?"

"You are not gonna believe it! I got invited to Comiket!"

"WHA- ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!", she shouted, in disbilief..

You two hugged while jumping happily. You were so happy and thankfull. All this years were finally paying off.

"What's happening?", Bruno asked at the entry of the stairs.

"I got invited to Comiket!", you jumped all happy.

"Is that an event?", he asked.

"Bucciarati, Comiket is The event!", Narancia said, coming up the stairs, "Oh my God, (Y/N), congratulations!"

"I'm so happy!", you said, "I am gonna ask if I can bring people with me!"

"Please do! I've always wanted to go to Comiket!", Trish begged.

You ran over to the computer and wrote an email, confirming your presence and asking if you could bring people with you. When you clicked send, your fiancée opened the door.

"I'm really happy for you.", he said, "You've worked so har all this years. And now you're going to that event."

"It's crazy! I've never imagined that I would go to Comiket!", you smiled, "I'm going to Japan! I've always wanted to go!"

"Oh. Japan?"

"Yes! I'm so excited!"

"I don't know if I can go..."

"Oh...", you suddenly stopped smiling, "I didn't think about that..."

"Don't you even think about not going tho. I'll still call you everyday."

"Oh, I know.", you smiled diabolickly, "You aren't capable of living without hearing my voice, I'm very well aware."

"When do you have to go?", Bucciarati approached you.

"In a month."

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll be sure to hear your voice much more from now on.", he leaned into you and you two shared a passionate kiss.

"Don't be an idiot.", you said, getting up.

You got on the tip of your toes and gave him another short kiss. Bucciarati smirked and grabbed your waist, pushing you closer to him. Then he started kissing you more deeply. Your mouths moved at a continuous pace. Your fiancée pushed you to your table and you sat on it. He closed the distance between you two, starting to unbotton your shirt. However, you stopped him:

"The others are here."

Bruno got even closer to you with his mouth at your ear's side:

"They are downstairs.", he whispered, "Don't worry about it.", he started to kiss your neck.

"B-Bruno, I'm not sure if-"

Out of nowhere, the door opened and Abbacchio entered. You quickly covered yourself while Bucciarati got around and yelled:

"Don't you know how to knock?!"

"This is an goddman office, for fuck's sake! How was I supposed to know?!"

"Get out!", your fiancée said.

Abbacchio sighed but did what his boss ordered.

"Bruno Bucciarati, I told you that someone might enter! Why didn't you listen to me?!"


"I'm mad at you! You can get out now! Go look for Abbacchio. It seemed urgent."



He approached the door but before he grabbed the doorknob, he looked at you again:

"In my defense, I didn't listen to you because you make me crazy."

"Is that supposed to be an excuse?"

"Maybe?", he tried to smile.

"Nice try but no."

"Come on, tesoro."

I'm so, so, so, so, SO sorry! I was feeling kinda down these last few days. My desire to write was close to zero. But I am back now, so don't worry. ( ^ ^ )

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