Chapter 30

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Bucciarati's POV

I'm almost there. I'm almost done with locating (Y/N) stuff. Abbacchio used his Moddy Blues and turns out that it was really her parents who took all her stuff. Since two days ago, Giorno had been taking my place as Capo for me to focus all in my girlfriend's case.

Today, I'm going to go with the officer that Abbacchio knew to (Y/N) parent's house with a search mandate to check it. The police is on my side, so there's no way that they will deny my entry.

I decided to go without the gang because this is kinda personal now. Nobody hurts (Y/N). Not even her parents. Not on my watch.

Officer Alessandro rings the bell on a two floor building. I cross my arms behind him, getting furious just thinking of what they have done to my (Y/N).

"Good morn- You?!", her father said, looking disgusted to see me.

Abbacchio's friend shows him the mandate.

"What's this?", her mother appears on the door, "You can't do this! Why is-"

"You've robbed (Y/N)'s house.", I said naturally, "I'm here to return her stuff."

"Where is your proof?!", the woman screamed.

"Hopefully I'll find it in your house."

"Ma'am, we can do this by the good way or the bad way. Your call."

"Officer, he has no right to do this."

Tired of all that crap (Y/N)'s parenst were giving us, I approached them:

"Look, I can enter here with your permission or I can enter here without it.", her father puts himself blocking the door, so I use Sticky Fingers to get him out of the way, pushing him back, "Pardon my intrusion.", I said, mocking them while I walked in.

Officer Alessandro entered with me, excusing himself too. (Y/N)'s parents started yelling at me to get out but I simply continued to walk, looking around. Abbacchio's friend calmed them while I opened all the cabinets. I didn't find anything, so I proceeded to the first floor.

"The police is a shame! Siding with the mafia!", her mother cried out.

I looked around their room and found nothing, so I went into the attic. I smiled. Jackpot. I found her things stuffed in boxes behind a couch. Her parents weren't made to be criminals, that's for sure. With Sticky Fingers help, I got all the boxes and went downstairs, not forgetting to stop using my Stand when with them.

"Y-You-", her father said, surprised, "How did you-"

I dropped the boxes with (Y/N)'s things on the floor and walked to face him:

"Look, sir, I'm trying to be polite but you're not making this easy. This is your last chance: stay away from (Y/N) or I swear I'll find my way to make you leave Italy. Do. You. Understand?", I said as calmly as I could.

"Why don't you leave our daughter alone?! You have nothing to do with her!"

"I'm her boyfriend. Of course I have. I participate in her life like you two never did together. Where were you whrn she was humiliated in school? Where were you to chear her up when she felt down? Where were you when she needed somewhere to cry? Oh, that's right. Nowhere to be found."

"That's with us! You have no right to even be with her! "

"I have every right. I have all fucking rights. I'm not staying here any longer but bear in mind: if I hear or see you near my girlfriend, you are gone. Am I clear?"

"Who do you think you are?!", her mother yelled.

"I'm Bruno Bucciarati, bitches."

And with that, I left their house.


Your POV's

You hear Bucciarati parking outside. You found it strange because he said he was going to work with the rest of the gang. So, you knew something was wrong when you looked at the window and saw him exiting the car with a straight and serious face.

You got downstairs at the precise moment he opened the door.

"Bruno!", you said, confused, "I thought you were going to some meeting and-"

Then, he smiles:

"Il mio tesoro, I have something for you."


"You might want to help me get them."

"Them? What are you talking about?"

You exited the house with him to go to the trunk where you found three boxes with your stolen stuff. Your heart started racing, He found your things! Of course he would find them! You hug him as hard as you could.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!", you cried.

"Please don't cry! I brought them, didn't I?"




"Don't ask me that. I don't want to talk about it, ok?"

You sighed:

"My parents did it, right? That's all I need to know."

"Yes. But I don't want to be sad. They won't bother you anymore. I swear."

"I trust you.", you kissed his cheek.

"So... Will you get back to your apartment?"


"Don'tfeel pressured to be here if you don't want to be! I know sometimes you need peace and quiet and-"

"I'll stay with one condition.", you smiled diabolically, "I get to keep my bodypillows in your room."

"Wha- Ok...", he rubbed the back of his head, "I have to share you with a a pillow?"

"Yes.", you smiled.

"Ok... I guess I don't have a choice.", he sighed, "Now, help me get this boxes inside."

"Sure thing, Capo."

Your boyfriend smirked while giving you one box:

"You're so done tonight."

"I'll be waiting for it."

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