Chapter 26

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Warning: In this chapter, there will be a lemon. I will say when it starts and when it ends for those of you who want to skip. I'm not good on this things, so just be patient with me. ( > < )

After watching Parasyte, all of the boys wished a good night and went back to their rooms. Trish hugged you before going too, leaving you alone with Bucciarati. Your heart was beating really fast and you were getting all nervous again. So, you bit your bottom lip. You always did that when you were nervous about something. Your boyfriend seemed to notice it when he offered you his hand.

"Let's go, (Y/N)..."

You took his hand and got up from the sofa, not capable of looking him on the eye. Bruno went with you to the bedroom and closed the door. After that, he just opened the covers and laid down. What was going on?!

You sat on the bed and without looking him in the eyes, asked:

"Aren't we gonna do it?"

"What?", he sat up.

"Y-You said-"

"You looked like it was going to be forced, so I thought-"

In a second, you trew youself to his arms and kissed him. Finally looking him on the eyes, you whispered on his ear:

"Can't I just be nervous?"


Then he pushed you to his lap. Bruno made you look into his shinny eyes and kissed you. You melted into the kiss, feeling your heartbeat increase again. His hands didn't waste time, grabbing the end of your shirt and pushing it up. You broke the kiss to take it out. After admiring you for some seconds, your boyfriend attacked your neck, going straight for your weak spot that he abused so much in the previous months.

You let out a small moan to his ear, making him tremble under you. Your hands travelled down to his waist line and pushed his shirt up too. He took it out, leaving you to explore his abs. The same abs that you were staring at the beach but couldn't make it too obvious.

He smirked against your skin:

"Are you having fun, amore mio?"

You didn't even have time to respond before he uncliped your bra, throwing it somewhere. You didn't make eye contact with him because you felt embarassed enough. Your boyfriend didn't lose time, getting you laid down on the bed. At the same time, he started massaging one of your breats while putting the other one in his mouth. Your legs trembled and you moaned, still trying to not be very loud since the other members of the gang could be awake.

"B-Bruno...", you moaned while hugging him close.

You started to feel something against your privates. You hated to admit but you never felt so needy in your life:

"Bruno, I can't handle it anymore.", you begged, "Hurry up."

He got on his knees to take your shorts out of the way as well as your panties. You closed your legs, feeling quite embarassed. But then you looked at him. His hair was messy as hell, his breath was really out of control, he had sweat all over his body... Your heart skipped a beat. Seeing that you were looking at him, he licked his lips.

"Don't be ashamed now, amore.", he pulled your legs open, looking over to your lower regions. 

He pulled down his shorts and underwear, making you now have a visual of his erect member, leaking precum. Bucciarati didn't waste time to put two fingers inside of you. You moaned loudly, not capable of holding it in:

"Slower or I'll get out of control..."

"Get crazy for me, cara.", he asked, putting another finger in.

You grabbed the sheets while his fingers moved inside. A few seconds later, he got them out and pulled a condom out of nowhere and slipped it up.

"Can I enter, tesoro?"

You just quickly nodded your head. You and your boyfriend moaned in pure ecstasy as he entered the tip in you. While Bruno pushed more of him inside of you, you buried your nails on his back. You couldn't stop moaning because it felt really good.

"Kiss me...", you begged.

Bucciarati happily did it. Seconds later, he started to move slowly. Your boyfriend got as close to you as he could as he moved faster, feeling that you were close. You never felt so full and so loved. You came and seconds after, he did too. Bruno kissed your forehead, getting out of you.



After getting you two cleaned up, Bruno and you finally cuddle under the covers. Bucciarati was hugging you and couldn't stop planting kisses all over your face. You giggled:

"Bruno, stop, it tickles!"

"No can do, tesoro."

You hugged him more, snuggling into his chest.

"One day, I'll take you on a vacation. Just the two of us."

"I'd like that. Maybe on my next break from school."


"What?", you looked up to face him, "What's wrong?"

"Do you want to continue it?"


"Yes. I mean, you don't have to anymore. You are free from your parents."

"I am not giving up on it. My parents didn't comply with our deal but that doesn't mean I won't. I promised and I will do it. It's only two more years. After that, I'm free."

"If that's what you want, I'll support you 100%."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. It's my duty as your boyfriend to support you. You would do the same for me."

"Of course I would, Bruno."

"(Y/N), I'm so thankfull to have you in my life. Without you, I-"

"Just stop being sad, you big baby.", you smiled, kissing his lips, "I'm here, am I not?"

"Yes, indeed you are. Very naked too."

You immediately blushed:

"Should I dress something then?"

"Of course not.", he laughed, "Sleep well."

"You too, Bruno."

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