Chapter 8

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You stopped breathing for a moment.

"Who was that?", he asked.

But then you started giggling. Could it be? Could The Bruno Bucciarati get jeaulous over your best friend? He looked at you, surprised like all the other costumers there. Now that the people were looking at you two, the man took you with him to the gang's side of the restaurant. There is was just him and you. No sign of the gang.

"Why were you laughing? I just asked a fair question. Is he your boyfriend?"

"No! Of course not! It's Adriano, my best friend."


"It's just funny seeing you jeaulous.", you smiled at him, "You said we would take things slowly. And yet you are being protective like I'm yours."

Bucciarati's pride was hurt by that, however you didn't know. It was like an arrow was shot through his heart. However, he remained silent until you talked again:

"So... I'm still working. My break is in thirty minutes. If you want, I'll come sit here with you then."

"Ok, deal.", his eyes lit up, "I'll be waiting."


You got your bag from the locker room and went to sit with Bruno. He was working on some papers but when he saw you coming in, he smiled.

"So... Do you want to eat something? It's on me."

"No, thank you. I've already eaten.", you took some papers outside of your bag, "I still have some things to prepare for sunday."

"But you shouldn't be working on your break."

"I know... But I have some things to finish. This is hard! Normally, I'd already had everything done but I was late this month.", you sighed, "And on tuesday, I'll have to sign so many papers. It's almost a crime..."

"Can I help?"

"I wish you could... But it has to have my signature in it or it'll worth nothing."

"Your signature? Why does it value so much?"

Your heart started to beat fast. You wanted to trust him, so why not tell him about your secret identity?

"I didn't want you to know but I wanna trust you, so I'll tell. But if you tell anyone else, I'm ruined, do you understand?"

"Yes. I promise, but what is it?", he started to get worried.

"I'm quite known in the country. And even outside of Italy. Yet, people don't really know me. They know me for another name, my artist name. At conventions, I'm Kai. And when I sign as Kai, my work values even more. And I have some books that I'm going to sign."

"Oh, you are famous, then?", he smiled.

"Only to some people. But yes, I'm quite popular."

"Why can't people know?"

"Because my art isn't for all people to watch. If in my college they knew, it would be embarassing.", you smiled, nervously. Then, you saw Bruno thinking about something, so you asked if he was okay.

"Oh, yes. It's just that I've heard that name somewhere..."

"What? Kai?"

"Yes. I'm trying to remember where, tho."

"It's better if you don't remember, trust me."

"But why?"


"Why don't you want me to know about your books? I mean, if you're good, why can't I see?"

"Because they are for people like Trish. You wouldn't understand."

"Couldn't I try?"

You took a deep breath.

"Ok, if you want to know that badly, what do you say of coming with me when I go pick the books up? The boxes with all of copies of the books, it's what I mean."

"I'd love too. When is that?"

"Monday, in the afternoon."

"And I supposed you have a convention after that?"

"On the weekend."

"Oh! I think Trish has tickets to something on the weekend."

You were sure that was for the convention you were going to.

"Listen to me, don't tell Trish."

"I wouldn't dare to disobey my principessa."

You blushed, but didn't say a thing. You just focused on your papers and worked until your break was over.


Today you weren't the one to close the restaurant, so you just said goodbye to your coworkers and proceeded to Bucciarati's table. He was on the phone but he saw you come in. Not wanting to interrupt him, you quickly waved him goodbye and got out of there, walking to your car.

When you entered the car, you saw Bruno coming out of Libbeccio's and coming in your direction. You got out of the car and went to him.

"What's wrong?", you asked.

"I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh, that wasn't necessary. You were on the phone. You leaved the poor person hanging."

"It was Abbacchio."


"It was nothing important. You're more important."

Your heart skipped a beat:

"Stop with that. You're making me blush and that's not fair."

"Not fair?", he smirked, "I think it's fair enough. You're coming to work tomorrow, right?"

"Yes. At the same time."

"Ok. I'll be waiting for you."

"Sure. Have a good night, Bruno"

"You too, (Y/N)."

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