Chapter 14

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You got home by 8:30 p.m. and you were exausted. Conventions drained your energy. You sold out all your copies for the day. But you still had the tomorrow, until 6 p.m. After that, you would enjoy two hours of the convention by yourself. However today, you were excited because you were still going to get dinner with Bucciarati.

You blushed, remembering of the kiss from lunch. You had no time to waste! Bucciarati would be at your house by half an hour from now. You went to undress and take a quick shower and then dried your hair. Unfortunately, you only had a dress to use because you weren't much of a dress girl. You didn't even think before putting it on. It only got to your knees. It had no sleeves whatsoever and it was made of a darker blue fabric. You got your best shows on and got your purse ready. It was just in time before the man rang on your door.

You opened your door and your heart stopped. Bruno had a black suit with gold dots instead fo his normal one. He smiled at you and you could swear he was shining in a golden aura.

"Ciao mia signora.", Bucciarati smiled at you.

"C-Ciao, Bruno.", you couldn't hide your blush anymore. He seemed so handsome.

"Are you ready for dinner?"

"Yes, I am."

You got out of your building and before you could even take a step to your car, your date grabbed your waist adn pulled you close.

"Where do you think you're going, (Y/N)?"

"To my car."

"Not a chance. I brought mine.", he smirked.

He took you to a black car. You immeadiately gasped, amazed. A Lamborghini Huracan?! That car was expensive! Bucciarati opened one door for you to go in. After that, he opened his own door and sat by your side, on the wheel.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"You'll see.", he winked at you. You turned your head to the window to avoid looking at him, "You are very pretty tonight.", he assured while driving into the city.

"You look cute too.", you mumbled, nervously.

"Oh, thank you, bella."

After a while, you said:

"You've been driving for a while. Where are we going, Bruno?"

"Not saying a word.", he sang, happily.

"Oh, come on!"

After a few more minutes, he stopped in front of a parking lot, in front of a big building. You assumed it was a hotel. A really big hotel like nothing you've seen until today. Bucciarati saw you amazed by the building and chuckled.

"There's a floor on this hotel with an amazing restaurant."

"But it must be expensive. You shouldn't hav-"

"Can't I just spoil you, tesoro?"

"You shouldn't..."

"Don't say anything else. Let's go."

You two got out of the car and went in the hotel. After that you got in the elevator that took you to the restaurant floor. When you saw the fanciest restaurant ever in front of you, you felt out of place. Bucciarati must've felt it because he gently grabbed your hand.

"Just relax.", you looked at him, "Don't think of anything else."

You two got received by a waitress that quickly understood that the person beside her was Bruno Bucciarati.

"Mr. Bucciarati and Ms. (L/N), please come with me."

Your date didn't let go of your hand. You didn't mind since it was making you more secure. However, some people were looking at you because of your date. The woman took you to a table by the window, where you could see a big part of Naples and the lights on the streets. You opened your mouth. It was beautiful.

Perfect For Me (Bucciarati x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now