Chapter 25

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"So... (Y/N), this is Risotto.", Bruno pointed to the tallest guy you've ever seen, "Those ones over there are Prosciutto and  Pesci. The one with blue hair is Ghiaccio, the purple haired one is Melone. Illuso is the one with long hair and the final one is Formaggio."

"Did you addopt one more since last time, Bucciarati?", Ghiaccio smirked, straightening his glasses.

"No, she's", he put an arm around you, pushing you to him, "my girlfriend."

"She's pretty...", Melone winked at you.

"Hey, hey. Don't think about it.", your boyfriend put himself in front of you, "Keep your eyes off her."

"Melone, don't be a jerk.", Risotto demanded, "Let's just start. Your girlfriend is going to expectate, right? Or otherwise it's unfair."

"Oh, don't mind me. You do your thing and I'll draw over there.", you point to the towel.

"Another thing: this year, who will decide the winner? At the last year, the beach guards made us agree to not bother other civilians ever again.", Giorno notice.

You had the perfect solution:

"I can facetime my best friend and he'll decide. If we don't tell him which team made which one, it should work."

"I think that's ok.", Risotto said.

"She will make the countdown.", Prosciutto said.

"Ok, so... Three... Two... One... Go! You  have one hour!", you said.

The teams started to coordenate the tasks and you went to sit on your towel. You took out your jacket but still had your shorts on. You grabbed a pencil and started drawing La Squadra. However, you continued to observe your team and cheared them on. When the hour was almost over, you called Adriano. When he appeared on your screen, you smiled:


"Hi! Are you liking the trip?"

"Yeah. It's been really fun. And now I'm watching a competition of sandcastles and I never laughed so hard in my life."


"Yes. That's why I called you. You are going to be the jury."

"The jury? Wait, who is compiting?"

"The gang and La Squadra. I'll explain later. They are almost finished. You just have to rate them."

"Ok...I'll do it. But before that, what is that swinsuit you have on? Did he make you wear that?"

"N-No! Of course not! I had it custom made to make a surprise to Bruno."

"I bet he liked it...", your best friend sighed.

"Y-Yeah...", you blushed.

You yelled at the teams that the time was up. Both of the castles looked amazing to you. You ordered the gangs to stand aside from their criations and presented Adriano to La Squadra. You moved your phone throught the two sandcastles. Adriano looked at them for a few minutes before he said he was ready to tell the veredict. He choose the castle you drew. You thanked him and hang up.

"Not fair!", Ghiaccio hissed.

"Look man", Mista smirked, "the guy choose ours."

The temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

"Oi, control yourself.", Narancia yelled at Ghiaccio.

"We'll beat you next year for sure.", Risotto cracked a small smile and shoke hands with Abbacchio:

"Sorry man, never gonna happen."

"It was fun.", Illuso said.

"Next time we'll win.", Formaggio smiled.

"You can try.", Trish said, crossing her arms.

"Not gonna happen.", Fugo smiled too.

You just stood there looking at them threathening each other. That is, until they turned back and walked away. But before that, Pesci still talked to you:

"It was nice to meet you. (Y/N).", and then he walked away.

After some seconds of silence, Bucciarati said:

"Who wants to swim?"

Trish and you took your shorts and made a race to the water. It was so cold. Mista and Narancia decided to race too. The rest of them were entering calmly.

"Hey (Y/N).", Mista called, "That bikini tho...", you blushed.

"Yeah! It's Bucciarati's pattern. I've only noticed it now.", Narancia was surprised.

"I went with her get it custom made.", Trish said, "Like mine has the pattern on my skirt."

The other guys joined you and you had an wonderful afternoon, laughing, joking at each other... Basically, just relaxing all together. When it was time for you to get back, Bucciarati grabbed your hand and didn't let go of it.

"I love you.", Bucciarati whispered at your ear when Abbacchio was opening the door to the cabin. You just got closer to him.

You and the gang put the things at the entrance and went to your rooms to take a bath and change to more confortable clothes. When you and your boyfriend got to your room, he wasted no time to hug you from behind. He rested his head on your shoulder.


"I couldn't take my eyes out of you... You make me crazy, you know, tesoro?"

You didn't know how to respond, so you didn't say anything. He lifted his head to kiss behind your ear. 

"Bruno, please let go. I want to take a bath. Besides, we aren't the only ones here."

"Can I go in with you?"

"No!", you blushed, embarassed. You pushed him away.

"You won't escape me after dinner...", he smirked, sitting on the bed and crossing his arms.

You just grabbed some clothes and went in the bathroom, closing the door behind you. Your heart was beating faster than before. You wanted to do it. You were just nervous. This wasn't your first time. You shouldn't be that nervous.

You took a bath and then went to have dinner with the gang. After that, you and Trish went to her bedroom to read the new chapters of 19 days, Love Is An Illusion and Here U Are. You loved reading. That is one of your favorite things. Sometimes, you can't stop and end up reading a whole 100 chapters of yaoi in a morning.

After a while, someone knocked on the door when you and Trish became surprised because there was a new chapter of K's Secret too. It was Bucciarati on the door:

"What are you two doing here? We're watching some tv and you went missing all of a sudden."

"We're reading K's Secret!", you said.

He approached you two and peeked on the tablet:

"Oh. It's about vampires?"


"You should read it, Bucciarati!", Trish said, "It's really good!"

"Hum... Maybe next time. Come join us on the sofa. We can watch a movie together and then we'll go to bed. Sounds good?"

"Ok.", your friend sighed.

But you knew that the last thing on your boyfriend's mind was sleeping.

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