Chapter 15

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Bucciarati drove you to the sea cost. Your heart was a mess right now. How did he know you liked to be there? Your date got out of the car and opened the door for you. You got out and asked him why he'd bring you here.

"I shouldn't be saying this but...", he rubbed the back of his head, "Sometimes, I might have followed you to see where you were going."

"No...", you gasped, "Are you a stalker now?", you laughed.

"That's why I didn't want you to know...", Bruno sighed.

"But now that we are here, let's walk a little. I mean, unless you have something else planned."

"No, I don't."

You walked a little, talking about small things, until the man decided to grab your hand. You almost smiled before intertwine your fingers in his'. You continued to walk in silence a little more before Bucciarati had the courage to speak:

"Would you mind if I kissed you now?"

Inside you wanted to trew yourself to his arms but on the outside, you quickly nodded before he grabbed your chin and pushed you to him. You quickly kissed him back. You've been waiting for this moment since the lunch hour and it was worth every second of it. Bruno grabbed both sides of your head before deepening the kiss. The kisses lasted at least a minute before you had to stop to get some fresh air.

Then, before you could even do something, Bucciarati kissed you on the top of your head:

"I like you so much, amore mio."

"I like you too...",you responded, shyly.

Then he hugged you. You hugged him back, smiling. This made you feel so full. You were opening your heart again after that guy. Bruno made you feel so good about yourself and about your true self.

"Thank you.", you said to him, bowing in front of him.

"W-Why? I didn't do anything.", Bruno looked so confused, "I'm the one that's greatful."

"You showed me that I can open to people again and trust them. I'm really really thankful of having the chance to meet you. You are an amazing person and I want to get to know you better.", you were honest and because of that you were embarassed at your own words. But you didn't stop there, "So, this is my time to ask. Will you go out with me?"

Bucciarati was surprised and his eyes were shinning. He approached you slowly and rubbed the top of your head:

"Of course I will, tesoro. I'm really happy."

After a while, you decided to retuned to the car. But before you could enter, you remmebered something he said:

"Was this the private place you were talking about? This is not very private."

"How so? I gave the order to keep this place deserted when we arrived."

"Wha- You did?"


"You don't have to be so extra!", you laughed, finally entered the car.


Bucciarati insisted in taking you to your door. So, he got up the elevator with you and when you went to look for your keys in your bag. When you heard the door click, you opened it and turned to Bruno.

"I liked this night very much.", you said to him.

"I'm glad you liked it.", he smiled back.

"Before I enter: will you go to te convention tomorrow?"

"Narancia and Trish won't go tomorrow. They bought so much stuff and were so tired of going all around with full bags that they are tired for weeks now. I don't know if I'll go... If someone wants me there, maybe I'll find the time..."

"I'm free at 6 p.m. and I wanted to buy somethings myself so... Will you find me there?"

"Of course, principessa. I'll be there."

Before you could respond to him, Bucciarati gave you a small kiss on the lips and said

"Buona notte, (Y/N)."

"Buona notte, Bruno."

Bucciarati's POV

When I got home, everyone was wiating for me at the entrance. Trish was the first in line:

"How did it go?! Are you dating now?", she was so excited with that possibility.

I rubbed the back of my head before smiling nervously and saying:

"No. Not yet."

Even Abbacchio was surprised:

"What the fuck?! We even bet, Bucciarati!"

Mista and Narancia were receiving money from Giorno, Fugo, Trish and Abbacchio. I was astoined. They even bet on me.

"But the dinner went well. And tomorrow we have another date."

"Why does she only wants to be with you?", Trish asked, sad, "I want to talk to her too! (Y/N) said she would join us today but she didn't even showed up!"

"Don't be unfair, Trish. You know that she is in college.", of course I wouldn't say a word about her identity as Kai. I mean, I was confident that someday, (Y/N) would tell Trish but for now it is better to keep a secret, "She has work to do."

"But she always finds time to be with you!"

I admit that made me feel good. I mean, I didn't properly give her a choice after all. But she could've slapped me like when I offered her a car. However, I have to have in mind that Trish likes her, so I found the perfect solution:

"What if you invited her for a sleepover?"

"Oh, great idea!", and then she disappeared into the stairs. The others had already gone on their way and I wnt upstairs to my office to finish some things before I got to bed. But my every thought was with (Y/N).

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