Chapter 31

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One month later, you had already moved completly to Bucciarati's place. Your boyfriend helped you bring your shelves and your table to put them in his office (now your office too). You didn't know but Bruno had a massive closet and didn't use more than half of it, so you had enough space for all your things. On his room, you builded some cabinets to put your figurines and your most prized posessions.

Today, you had to study to your exam for one of your classes and had to start drawing your next doujinshi. You and Adriano wanted to study together for this one but you had to work at the restaurant. You promised him that after that, he could come study with you in the gang's mansion. He agreed and at the end of your shift, you two went in the car.

When you arrived at the mansion, Bruno was waiting at the door.

"You're back.", he smiled at you and then turned to face your best friend, "Hi."


"So, Bruno", you entered the house and Adriano followed you, "we have an important test tomorrow. I've studied but we want to do a quick revision. We'll be at the office."

"No problem but won't you eat first?"

"Nah, I've eaten a sandwich already. You can eat with the gang."

And with that, you started going up the stairs.


When it was almost 11 p.m., Adriano closed the book.

"We're done! There's nothing more we can do. Just hope for the best.", he smiled at you, getting up the chair.

"I still think I haven't studied enough...", you sighed, "What if I fail the exam?!"

"Chill! You won't, girl."

"Adri, this is the most failed class of college! How can you be so calm?"

"It will go just fine. If there's a thing that school and college are teaching us is learning how to cheat."

You laughed:

"It's not cheating! You know me!"

"Yes, I know, (Y/N). Just saying...", he smiled, "Maybe it's time for me to go home. I mean, I'm pretty sure your boyfriend is fuming outside the door now."

You got around your table and got to the door:

"Don't be an idiot. He's not-", you opened the door to a very agitated Bruno.

You looked over to Adriano and you two started laughing.

"I was just passing by...", your boyfriend defended himself.

"Sure thing, man.", your best friend said, passing by him with his backpack.

You were still giggling when you hugged Adriano:

"Do you need me to accompain you to the door?"

"No, I know where it is. Just sleep well today, okay?"

"Yes, Mom!"

When Adriano finally got down the stairs, Bruno kissed you. You were forced to walk backwords until your office. While still kissing you, your boyfriend closed the door behind you two and turned you around agaisnt it.

"What's this?", you asked, smiling, "You weren't jeaulous, were you?"

"Of course not."

"Why were you listening to us, then?"

"Hum... I was just passing by and-"

"Stop lying.", you giggled, still close to him, "You know that he's my best friend, right? No need to be nervous or jeaulous. I'm yours, okay?"

"I know but-"

"Shush. No more excuses, okay? I have to go work on my book now too."

"You should sleep. The work can be done tomorrow."

"I need to do something now. Besides, you'll come read your papers now too. So, if I tried to stay here after midnight, you would drag my ass to bed."

"Then be quick. You need to rest for tomorrow, tesoro. Oh, and another thing... I don't really have anything to do today. Can I watch you draw?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Half an hour later, after being done with the drafts for a page, you went to do the next one. A not so pleasant page for your boyfriend to see. But you had to do it. There was no way around it. He was watching by your left side. Bucciarati doesn't say anything about it. He's just amazed by your skills. After that page, you turned off your Wacom and your computer.

"You're really talented.", he said.

"Thank you.", you kissed his cheek, "Let's go to bed now."


You dressed up with your pijamas in your room and got confy by Bruno's side on the bed:

"I was so busy that I didn't ask: how was your day?"

"It was fine. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I will have a mission in two days, so you'll be alone in the house. If you want, you can tell Adriano to come here."

"Oh, really?"


"Ok, then I'll do that. Bruno, don't get too hurt."

"Haven't I told you?"


"Giorno's Stand is Gold Experience. His power include healing our wounds. On that day when you saw me hurt, Giorno was healing me. I only got the bandages because you didn't know of Stands."

"Oh. So you lied to me?"

"Yes... But now you know so..."

"Even with Giorno's Stand, please don't get hurt or I'll kill you myself. I've told you that."

"I know, cara."

"But, if you are on a mission, who is patrolling the city?"

"Don't worry. It's only two days. The police can do the job."


You felt Bucciarati's arm going around your belly, pulling you more to him:

"I'll miss being like this with you.", he whispered in your ear.

"Don't be like that.", you smiled, "It's only two days. When you return, I'll give you extra cuddles."

"Extra cuddles? Sign me up!"

You giggled:

"I love you."

"I love you too (Y/N). I love you too."

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