Chapter 34

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Two days later, you were working your shift on the restaurant when you heard the bell from the entrance ring. So you turned back to welcome the people. However, you were shocked. Your parents were there and weren't really surprised to see you there. You wanted to say something but nothing came out of your mouth.

"We need to talk.", your father said.

You didn't even need to respond because before you could even say something, Bucciarati appeared behind you:

"What are you doing here?"

 "We need to talk to (Y/N).", your mother repeated.


"This wasn't our agreement.", Bruno said, "So I must ask you to leave now."

You grabbed Bruno's arm and looked at him:

"I'll talk to them. It's alright. After all, they are my parents, right? They wouldn't do something bad to me. Besides, it's time for my break.", you finally decided.

"Fine. But call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Promised.", you smiled before turning to them. Bucciarati went away, "So, let's talk outside.", you said quickly.

Your parents followed you until you reached the front of the restaurant.

"What do you want to talk to me about?", you asked, crossing your arms on your chest.

"Look, (Y/N), we want to talk in a more private place. We're on the middle of the street."

"Sorry but I'm in the middle of my shift and I won't go anywhere with you two. So, just talk.", you explained.

Your mother sighed:

"Okay... If it's how you want to do it, okay. So, we just want to ask you why."

"Why? Why what? If I remember correctly, it was you two who didn't like me. I had constantly to hide the real me from you. You made my life hell and you want to ask why. Think better.

"Look, we just wanted the best for you. We wanted you to succeed and be happy in life. But being rebelious and dating a mafia boss...I don't believe you're happy this way. You're just mad at us."

"No. I am happy this way. With Adriano as my best friend, Bruno as my boyfriend and my personal bo- I mean, my job, I'm happy. I won't ask anything of you but to get out of my life. Or you want to make me miserable until the day I die? Is that it?"

"We want you to be happy, of course.", your father said, "But we don't agree with this life style. You're even living in that mafioso's mansion now. How could you embarass us like this? Our friend's kid is in college excellent good grades and has a beautfiful girlfriend. You don't have good grades and have that guy as your partner."

"Sorry but if you had let me follow my dreams, I wouldn't be here, I would take excellent grades in whatever course I wanted and- You know what? Thank you for being the way you are. If you weren't that way, I'd never meet Bruno or even have such amazing friends. But don't worry, I'll never talk with you again or even look at you again. You are not that old. Maybe you can have another child who isn't a failure. I'm sorry, okay? But I'm 20 now. I really don't care what you think of me anymore."

"But we care about you. It's just that-"

"Look, I don't want to talk anymore. I'm happy. So, please, leave me alone.", you said, turning back.

Your father grabbed your shoulder. You quickly released yourself from his grasp.

"(Y/N), we aren't here to make you change your mind. We're here to try and understand the things you like. We want you to present your boyfriend to us again and show us the draws you make."

You gasped:

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes.", your mother said, "We're getting old and we don't want you to hate us. So, we will try to understand."

"Seriously?!", you were more than shocked, "Okay, okay! I'll ask Bruno when he has free time!"

You said goodbye to them and they went away. However, seconds after, someone got behind you.

"Ask me what?", Bucciarati asked.

"Oh! I'll explain you later.", you said, "Now, I have to go back to work."


"They want what?", you were chilling with Bucciarati on the couch, "Why? They already know me and don't like me."

"Come on! For me!", you begged.

"Ok, ok! But don't expect me to be the most warm person in the world to them. After what they did to you and-"

"I... They were trying to make up with me. You liked your mother even after she left you, right?"

"I- Yes. Alright, I'll give them a chance."

You hugged him tighly:

"I love you!"

"I love you too. So... Should I book a table at a restaurant?"

"No. They said they'll do that. You just need to be there and smile. When are you free?"


"Okay. I'll tell my parents!"

You got out of the sofa and went to your bedroom to get your phone.

Bucciarati's POV

I don't really want to go. After what they did to my (Y/N), they should be embarassed enough to never bother her again. But instead, they want to have dinner with me? This is just sad by this point. But I'll do it for my girlfriend. No way I would say no to her.

"Bucciarati.", Abbacchio called me.

I turned around to see him sit by my side.

"What is it?", I asked.

"You know they are dangerous, right?"

"What, her parents? I've known from the start. They're going to try something that night. And I'm going to be ready."

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