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"What if we get married in Japan?"

You didn't believe in what Bucciarati was saying. It simply couldn't be true.


You were leaving Italy in two days to go to Japan, to attend Comiket. He couldn't be planning to organize a wedding in two days! It was impossible. You've already chose the dress but the rest was beyond prepared.

"It wouldn't be that hard."

"B-Bruno, it's impossible! We haven't prepared anything and the guests... I don't even-"

Then he smiled. No... Could he... No, he couldn't have...

"Did you plan an entire wedding behind my back?!"

"Maybe?", your fiancée revealed.

"When?! How did you even do that without me noticing?!"

"Did you already forgot that I'm in the mafia? I can be sneaky when I want."

"Even the guests? The place? The food?"

"Yes. It's everything planned. After Comiket, the guests will be flying to attend the wedding and I'll pay the hotel rooms and stuff. I've already informed your family and Adriano. Choosing the food was easy. I choose everything you like. The place?", he smirked, "You'll have to wait and see."

"Bruno Bucciarati, what are you plotting?"

"Oh, nothing, tesoro. I assure you."

"I'm not really convinced.", you sighed, "What if I said no?"

"I know you wouldn't. Trish told me about something called "weeb dream" or something."

You laughed:

"She really told you that?"

"Yes. Is it wrong?"

"No, no! It's the most truthfull thing I've heard all day.", you smiled.

Bruno was silent for some seconds until he asked:

"You didn't answer me yet: are we going to marry in Japan?"

You approached him and gave him a peck on the lips:

"Of course it an yes. I want to live the weeb dream!"


With everything packed, you, Bruno, Trish and Narancia entered the plane. The rest of the gang would come on a day closer to the wedding as well as your parents, Adriano and Antonio.

You and the gang already planned that, if they wanted to go with you personally to the convention, they would have to wear som kind of mask or disguise. After all, in some foruns, your fans were trying to uncover your real identity, so you had to be very careful.

However, with all the things that you had to worry about, you were still excited. Not only that but you were going to marry the man of your life on a few days. And that made you very nervous.


"Oh my fucking God!", Trish said to you when you sat at your place at the convention.

"What's wrong?", you looked at her.

Narancia started looking to the same place as Trish and gasped:

"(Y/N), isn't that guy Rohan Kishibe?!"

Your heart started to beat faster and you looked to where they were pointing at. Then, you gasped as well. It was true. One of your favorite manga artists had his table at the convention turned to yours.

"Oh my God...", you said.

"(Y/N), he's looking at our direction!"

"He's getting up!", Narancia said to you.

You immediately got up and gulped. Rohan was really walking in your direction. What were you going to do?! What were you going to say?! You've been a weeb all your life but you still didn't learn how to speak japanese at all.

"Are you Kai?", he approached you three and asked in english.

"Y-Yes.", you said, feelling relieved, "I-I love your work, Mr. Rohan.", you felt the necessity to bow.

"Miss Kai, there's no need for that. I've simply wanted to say hello. You are one of the foreign guests this year and there are many people excited to meet you. I've seen your work too. It's not my type but I can appreciate it. And, by the way... Who are they? Why are they crying?", he pointed at your friends.

"O-Oh, they are your fans too."

"(Y- Kai?", Bruno got another box of your books on the table. You've asked him to go get the remaining ones and he had returned.

"Mr. Rohan, this is my fiancée.", you presented as well.

"Nice to meet you.", he smiled, "It must be really fun to have a fujoshi as a girlfriend.", he added.

"It is interesting indeed.", your boyfriend smiled, looking at you.

You blushed behind the mask.

"This is cool and all but can we get an autograph?!", Trish said, taking a piece of paper into her hand.

"Of course.", he smiled.

"Can you do one for me too?", you asked.

"Sure. As many as you want."

The convention hadn't even started but you were the most happy person on the planet already.

Perfect For Me (Bucciarati x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now