Chapter 17

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Two months later, Bucciarati still didn't ask you to be his girlfriend. You went on dates a lot. Like two times a week. But he still didn't ask you. So, you were starting to feel suspicious. Would he not ask you to be his girlfriend? Was he just playing with you? You had to know. You started to feel anxious. You didn't want history to repeat itself.

At this moment, you were arriving to work and Adriano went with you. He sat on a table and when you returned to take his order, he said that he wanted to talk to Bucciarati too. You looked at him, asking him why would he want that.

"I need to talk with him. Please, won't you do that for me?"

Bucciarati's POV

"Bruno.", (Y/N) called.

I quickly turned my head to see her standing there with some food on a tray. I feeled my pocket and when I confirmed that the ring was still there, I got up and went to talk to her.

"Hello. How was your day, tesoro?"

"Fine, I guess. College is really tough at times... So... I need you."

"For what?", my perverted thoughts were put in action.

"My friend, Adriano, says that he wants to talk to you. I don't know what he wants to talk about. Please, don't be too harsh."

"Sure. I'll go.", I turned to the gang, "Behave, I'll be back in five minutes."

I followed (Y/N) to a table and on the way, greeted some costumers. Her friend was working on his computer but quickly shut it down when he saw me. I said hello to him and he responded. (Y/N) served Adriano and before she leaved, she said:

"You two, please, behave. Or I'll be very mad."

Then, she disappeared.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?", I faced him.

"Yes.", her friend said, "It's about (Y/N)."

I flinched:

"What about her?"

"Are you serious about (Y/N)?"

"Of course I am!", I defended myself, "Do not think about taking her away from me.", I warned him.

"As her best friend, I don't want her to be hurt again. I don't know if you're really serious. You are dating her for two months now and still haven't asked her to be your girlfriend. I know (Y/N) and now she probably is thinking if you are really serious about her. She was really hurt in the past and I won't it happen again."

"I am going to ask her today. I have a ring in my pocket and I'd show you if I didn't sense that she is looking in this direction right now."

"Oh, today?", he said, looking behind me to confirm my suspicion that (Y/N) was looking to us.

"Yes. I formed the perfect plan to ask her."

"Please, don't break her heart. She has suffered enough. It's all that I can ask of you."

"I wouldn't even think of it. But, mind if I ask you something?"


"So... What exactly happened to (Y/N) in school?"

Adriano sighed:

"If you tell her I told you, I'll be dead, do you understand?"

"Yes. And even if I slip up, I'll tell her I have threatened you."

"Sure. Oh, before I explain everything else, I must tell you about her family. Her parents are kinda rich. Not rich like you but they had a good life: a good house, good cars and a good job. They already came from a rich and strict family. So, (Y/N) was expected to act acoordingly to their standarts. Around 12 maybe, I started noticing her complete change of behavior whenever she was with her parents and whenever she was at school. I didn't pay much attention because I knew her parents and honestly, as a kid, I was scared of them."

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