Chapter 12

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On saturday, you had to get up pretty early. Like five in the morning. You went to dress yourself up and prepare your mask and sunglasses on the counter of the kitchen. You ate your breakfast and prepared some snacks to eat on the convention. Before you did anything else, you went to put all your boxes on the car and returned home to the finishing touches. You were excited. Your next book was coming out and you wanted people to like it.

At 6:30 a.m., you were already on your car, driving to the convention. Then, you started thinking about Trish, Bucciarati and Narancia. You knew that when the boys saw the type of books that you sell, they would probably freak out. You also knew that Trish wouldn't be a problem tho.

You shook the thoughts out of your head and continued driving.

Bucciarati's POV

We have been on a line for almost one hour now. Trish is so excited because she's finally able to go to a convention. After all, she lived in a city where there weren't many things or places to go. Or even parties. Narancia was talking with Trish about something I didn't understand: something about an anime called "Death Note."

I still am not sure if I should confront Trish about what she reads. I want her to have a parental influence while she grows up. I don't want her to grow with just friends by her side. I want us to be a family.

"Bruno, it's opening!", Trish said, smiling.

I flinched at the name Bruno. We three agreed that we would call each other by our first names. Of course, Trish's and Narancia's with some modifications. I'll be Bruno (because no other than (Y/N) calls me that), Narancia will be just Nara and Trish would be Trisha. And of course, we were undercovered. We didn't want to take the risk of being recognised by anyone.

When we were moving in line, I heard the girls that were in front of us talking about (Y/N).

"I'm so excited! Kai is going to present her next doujinshi!", one said.

"I know! I hope it's one about the gang.", the other wished, making me get nervous. The gang? My gang?

"Oh man, I'll try to buy all of her doujinshis. I mean, the ones that I don't have."

"I already have them all!"

"Don't be like that! You know I started late in this life of crime! But I really hope it's bruabba. Well, it could be giomis too...", they continued talking but I just couldn't hear anymore.

I started thinking about what they said and what (Y/N) told me. Ships were couples. So- My heart started to race. There were ships about the gang?! Then it hit me. Bruabba? Me and Abbacchio?! Who in their right minds would ship us?!

"Is there somtehing wrong, Bruno?", Trish asked me.

"No. Don't worry about it."

"It's almost our turn!", Narancia said, "By the way, didn't you invite (Y/N), Trish?"

"I did! But she said she had work to do and will come late. I wanted us to go to the Artists Alley together! I told her Kai was going to come."

I flinched at that name. So Trish really did read (Y/N)'s books. Iwas so excited to meet her inside as well that it's almost crazy.

"Who is Kai?", Narancia asked.

"She's the most famous yaoi artist on the country! I have the majority of her books. They are amazing! I want her to sign the new doujinshis that I'll buy!"

"Stop fangirling Trisha!", the boy said, "We are not even in there."

"But, how is it going to be?", I asked, "Will we go together or have or separate ways?"

"I don't know about you Bruno but I'll go away from all that fujoshi shit."

"I can go alone.", Trish assured.

"No, I'm going to go with you. Nara, be responsable and don't waist too much money, ok?"

"Ok, Mom.", he sighed, provoking me.

"I'm more than your mother. So, just do as I say.", I asked.

"Roger that."

It got to our turn. When we entered in the building, Narancia immeadiatly runned away from us because he saw something, leaving me and Trish alone.

"Lead the way.", I say.

"We'll go directly at the Artists Alley.", we started to walk, "I already can see the line for Kai's place!"


She pointed to the enormous crowd surrounding one table. I only caught I glance but I knew that the masked person that I was seeing was in fact (Y/N). She was talking with her fans. And above her were a variety of posters and annoucements of her new books. I couldn't breath when I saw that in one of them, there were me and Abbacchio holding hands.

Trish took me by the hand before I could say or think anything:

"Let's go!"

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Sorry for the small chapter. I already wrote the one for tomorrow's and it is long, so... I guess it will be better than this one. See you tomorrow! ( ^ ^ )

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