Chapter 33

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The dinner was being great. Bucciarati took you to a fancy restaurant and had reserved a table on the terrace at the second floor. There was no one outisde beside you two but you still could see the people inside drinking, smiling and having a good time.

"Are you liking the food?", your boyfriend asked you.

"It's perfect!", you said, "Just like this dress you got me."

"Just glad you liked it. I wasn't sure but Trish convinced me on that one. I mean, you would look fabulous in any dress but this one is really good for you. Too good, almost."

"Oh, is that so?", you winked at him.

Bruno smirked:

"You bet it is. But don't worry. I'll be sure to be gentle and don't ruin it when I take it off of you later..."

You blushed and turned your eyes somewhere else. He laughed at your behavior:


"Shut up about it.", you told him, smiling slightly.

"Sure thing, amore mio."

You ate while talking about small things. That is, until you remembered Adriano and his new boyfriend.

"You know what I discovered today?"


"Adriano has a boyfriend now!"

"Oh, he has?  I'll be sure to congratulate him next time."

"And you don't know the best part! He's a guy from the other class that my fujoshi side always imagined him with! Of course I know this is reality but I love being right!"

"Are you a matchmaker now?", he smiled.

"Of course not! But, if you must know, the other night, I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen when I noticed that Mista's light was still turned on. I was going to knock to see if everything was alright but I heard Giorno inside talking with him."

"You're not trying to say that-"

"I hope giomis is true!", you giggled, happily.

"Seriously? It is probably nothing."

"Oh, are you certain? I'm determined to prove it!"

"Come on! It's our anniversary. Let's talk about us."

"Sure thing, Capo."

Your boyfriend smirked:

"Oh, really? You're taking that rout? Joke's on you. I booked a hotel room tonight."

"You did?!", you blushed.

"Why are you that surprised?", he smiled, "We won't be back home until tomorrow."

"I'm just shocked that you didn't tell me!", you decided to tease him a little, "Well... If you must know...", you aproached him and whispered, "I was thinking of using you as my personal trampoline tonight anyway"

Bucciarati looked at you both red and surprised. He quickly turned back and waved at a waitress:

"Check, please!"


Bruno had booked a room in the most expensive hotel in town. Your boyfriend grabbed your hand as soon as you entered the elevator.

"I had an amazing dinner."

"Me too.", you smiled, "But next time, maybe don't waste so much money. I mean, I'm grateful and all but I don't feel confortable in wasting all this money just for one night. Besides-"

Bucciarati kissing you before you could say anything else.

"No more complaining. I know what I'm doing, tesoro."

"I know, I know. It's just... "

"(Y/N), you're the best thing that happened to me. I'm happy that I can spend my money with you."

When he finished talking, the door of the elevator opened to a corridor with many doors. Your boyfriend had the key to one of them. Your heart started to beat fast when Bruno stopped at the front of one door. He got in and pushed you with him. Bucciarati pressed you against the door and started kissing you.

"I'm so happy to be with you, (Y/N). I love you so much.", he confessed.

"I love you too, Bruno."

He kissed you again more passionately and you responded. Your boyfriend started to walk backwards towards the bed. You unbottoned his jacket and he took it out at the moment he touched the bed. While you took out your shoes, Bucciarati took out his tie and his own shoes too.

Taking out your dress wasn't an easy task. It was the most difficult thing you ever experienced. At the end, Bucciarati used his Stand on it to take it out of you while he unbottuned his shirt. You sat on the bed while waiting for him.

You got lifted on the air by Sticky Fingers until your head reached the pillow. Just then, Bucciarati got above you. You smiled at him and pushed him to you, kissing him on the lips.

It was one of the best nights of your life.

Sorry for the small update! I've been really busy because school is almost starting. I'll make up to you next time! ( ^ ^ )

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