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Two years later into your marriege, you and Bucciarati started trying to get you pregnant. After all, you always wanted to have kids. And your husband was thrilled to make your dream come true.

So, one winter day, you had a medical appointment to do an ultrasound to the baby. You found out a while ago that you were pregnant of three months and today you and your husband were going to find the sex of the baby.

"Dress up your jacket. It's really cold outside.", Bucciarati advised while dressing his shoes.

"I know, I know."

You got your back and dressed up your jacket. After that, you went downstairs to wait for Bruno.

"I hope it's a girl.", Trish said.

"A boy would be way better!", Mista hoped.

"Don't listen to them.", Fugo passed by, "We'll be happy with either of those.", he smiled.

"Let's go.", Bucciarati went down the stairs with his car key on hand.

"Yeah.", you said.


You were feeling nervous. Being in that waiting room was making you ansious. Of course you would be happy if the baby is a boy or a girl. You didn't care about the gender at all. But you weren't feeling well for some reason.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?", Bruno asked you.

"Just nervous."

"Don't be.", he smiled, "Just relax."

"Miss Bucciarati!", called a nurse.

You immediately got up and went with the nurse. Bucciarati followed you close.

After getting all set up, the doctor started examining you and doing the ultrasound. You smiled, looking at your baby in the monitor. Bucciarati gave you his hand for you to hold.

Then, the doctor went serious :

"What's wrong?", you asked with your heartbeat increasing.

"What happened?", your husband asked.

After some seconds of silence, she finally answered with a smile :

"Congratulations, Mister and Miss Bucciarati! You're going to have twins!"

"Twins?!", Bruno smiled.

"Oh My God!", then you looked at the monitor, "I don't see the other one.", you said.

"Your baby girl is covering her brother."

"Wait, wait!", Bucciarati asked, "There are a boy and a girl?"

"Yes. And if you look closely here", she pointed at the monitor, "you can see a little bit of his head."

"Oh, yeah, that's right!", you smiled widely.

You and your husband looked at each other, with your eyes wide open. You two couldn't be more happy.

You were going to have twins. TWINS!


"Twins?! Like in two babies?!", Narancia screamed.

"Yes.", Bucciarati responded.

"Congratulations.", Giorno smiled at you two.

"Thank you.", you said.

"You're gonna call Guido to the boy, right?", asked Mista.

"Wrong. They will call him whatever they want.", Abbacchio said, "So just shut up Mista."

"Hey man... Don't be so mean."

"Just go do your tasks. (Y/N) needs to rest.", Bucciarati asked, "Call me if you need anything."

"Yes, Boss.", they all said at the same time.

You got up the stairs with Bucciarati and entered your room. You couldn't help but smile. The thought of having twins made you really happy.

In a second, Bucciarati got to you and put his arms around you belly.

"We're going to have twins.", he hugged you.

"We sure are."

"I love you so much, (Y/N)."

"I can't imagine my life without you too, Bruno. I love you too."

"So, we need to think about the names.", he started.

"That's right!"

You two sat on the bed.

"What about Angela and Matteo?", you asked, "You said you liked those names."

"You still remember those names?", your husband was surprised, "All those years ago..."

"Of course I didn't forget.", you smiled, "I want you to be happy too."

"Are you kidding? I'm the happiest man on the planet, right now. You're pregnant with my babies. The woman I love is carrying my children. How could I not be happy?"

"When you say it like that... But I want you to name the twins. I am so grateful to you and-"

"You're still thinking about that?", he laughed at you, "Don't be a dummy!"

"Look, you want to see me happy, right?", you looked at him while smiling and putting a hand on his jaw.

He smirked:

"You know I do."

Your husband got closer to you, enough to steal a kiss.

"Then name the children.", you said and then gave him a peck on the lips, "Ok?"

Bruno sighed:

"If it's your wish, then I'll do it."

Then you got pushed down on the bed:

"What are you doing?", you laughed.

Your husband climbed on top of you without pressing your belly.

"You're so pretty.", Bucciarati kissed you on the lips. Then he moved to your neck.

You smiled while blushing:

"Bruno, I'm pregnant...", you murmured, giggling, "So doing it is a no no."

"It's a shame, really... So when we have the twins, we are going to do it lots and lots, okay?"


I'm here to annouce that the next chapter is going to be the last one.
So please sit tight and until next week!
( > < )

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