Chapter 3

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Bucciarati's POV

I kissed her! I kissed her! I-I mean, it was on the head but it counts either way. And she said yes to coming to our house! I have to ask her on sunday. Now, I had to make sure she wouldn't reject me. And for that, I'm going to need Trish's help. She's the only girl in the house and, besides, she likes anime too. Oh, I can't forget about her obsession about wanting boys from the tv to date each other. At least, I think that (Y/N) isn't into that. I mean, not that's anything bad with it but I wouldn't know how to talk to her about her interests.

When I got home, Fugo had already calmed down. Mista was watching television with him and I presumed Abbacchio was already sleeping.

"So, where were you?", Mista asked when you entered the living room.

"I was having dinner."

"Where? Abbacchio made food and you didn't even said you wouldn't come.", Fugo added.

I blushed, not sure if I wanted them to know about (Y/N).

"Oh oh.", MIsta smirked, "You were with a girl, weren't you?"

"There were some guys that were bothering (Y/N) and I just helped her! Then she offered me dinner and-"

"You mean the one from the restaurant? The one you have a huge fat crush on?", Fugo asked smiling.

I froze:

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah, it is.", Narancia got down the stairs, "You are always looking at her. Ask her out soon or I will."

"Don't you dare!", I pointed at the boy.

Trish gave Narancia a punch on his arm and then turned to me:

"She's cute. Ask her out. (Y/N) won't say no to you."

"I'm nervous. And I need your help, Trish, for that matter."

"Hum... What is it?"

"(Y/N) likes anime and I kinda invited her to come watch some here.", I rubbed the back of my head.

"Really?!", her eyes were shinning, "Finally you will dive with me and Narancia in the great culture that is anime."

"That's why I need your help. Tomorrow, discover what is her favorite or something like that. I want to buy her something for when I ask her out."

"Ok! Undercover Trish on the move!"

"But be discreet, ok?"


"I just hope she isn't fujoshi.", Narancia sighed, "Another crazy girl here is too much."

"HEY! I'm not crazy!", Trish screamed.

"Sure thing.", the boy smirked.

"By the way boss, do you know how to ask her out?", Giorno appears from the kitchen.

"I don't know...", I sighed, hiding my face behind my hands, "This is difficult! What if she says no?!"

"Then you ask again.", Mista said, "Are you going to give up because she says no a first time?"

"I don't know! You guys are stressing me out, I'm going to bed.", I got out of the living room and got up the stairs to my room. However, Abbacchio was waiting me by his door.

"So, you were with that girl."


"Why are you so down? You are Bruno Fucking Bucciarati. Every woman drops at your feet. Why are you so afraid?"

"A-Abbacchio...", Was he supporting me?

"Are you a fucking pussy? Go ask the girl out before I tell her that you like her."

"Don't you dare! And, it's not easy..."

"Yes, it is. How do you know that she's going to reject you if you don't even try? You call her apart from the others and ask her."

"Why are you saying these things?"

"Because I'm tired of your stalkerish look at Libbeccio's. Even some costumers started to understand to whom you're looking to. It's disturbing at times. I'm amazed how that girl didn't go to the police to report you, honestly.", he sighed.

"Is it that obvious?!"

"Yeah. Kind of."

"Oh. Then I should think of a way to ask her. The place, the gift, what I'm going to say..."

"Oi! Why are you so complicated?! I give up...", Abbacchio went to his room before I could say anything.

I continued to my room and closed the door behind me. I fell down on the bed thinking of her. (Y/N)'s laugh, her smile, her beautiful lips... Those sweet and perfect lips... She needs to be mine. I can't wait much longer. I want to hold her, cuddle with her, kiss her... I want to mark her as mine. And I already had the first present ready to go. I hope she doesn't reject it because it isn't properly cheap. Then, when I ask her to go out with me, I hope Trish helps me to pick her something. (Y/N) is going to be mine. I know it.

I hugged my pillow thinking of her. Her hair smelled so nice... What is she thinking right now?

Your POV

You were stressed. You didn't even realized that you had a deadline to meet until next week! What were you going to do?! Guess that tonight you weren't going to sleep. However, how could you go to school in the next day without sleeping? And to work? The thought of exceed the deadline was making you almost cry. Everything had to be perfect!

You sat down at your office, in your desk and turned on your Wacom. You open the files that you still had to finish and got to work. However, a thought never leaved your head. You blushed thinking of the kiss that Bucciarati gave you. You never felt something like what you felt for a long time. Since the last year before you got to college.

You stopped yourself before thinking too much into it. Besides, you were sure that a mafia capo wouldn't like you. After all, who would?

You were the most oblivious person in the world. However, you wouldn't be for too long. After all, you still had that anime session with Bucciarati and his crew. You would have to make a good impression on the guys.

You shook that thoughts, focusing at your unfinished work.

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