Chapter 19

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It's been 5 months since you and Bruno started dating. But it has been 7 months and a half since you guys met. Life went well. You were gaining popularity by the day and your books and doujinshis were now getting translated to another languages. However, no one knew that you were Kai. And no one besides Bucciarati and Adriano will ever know.

Today was your birthday. It was sunday. You were planning on doing nothing the whole day. Just stay inside and do a marathon of the new season of Fire Force. You didn't say anything about your birthday to Bucciarati because he would want to throw a big party and you just wanted to be home and chill. Adriano would bring a cake with him, you were sure. He did the same last year.

You were preparing to sit on the sofa when someone rang on the door. You sighed and went to open it. For your surprise, it was Bucciarati.


"Hi, bambina. Happy birthday!"

You blushed:

"How did you find out?!"

"Adriano told me yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want a big party. I just wanted to have a calm day."

"Ok, then it's what we will have."


"Yes, I'm staying with you all day. Whatever you want to do, I'll do it."

"Aww, you're so cute.", you smiled, "Then, let's go. Take off your shoes and come in. We have a marathon of Fire Force to do!"


"So, you're saying that this guys fight fire with fire literally?"

"Yes! We are four episodes in the second season and you just question it now?", you laughed.

You two were sitting on the couch in front of the television. You sat between Bruno's legs and he just had his arms around you, like he was protecting you from something. You paused the screen in front of you to look at him. Bucciarati has a confused look on his face.

"Sorry if I'm new to this things.", he pouted and your heart exploded. When he showed his adorable side to you, you couldn't handle the cuteness. And you had to admit: that was sexy as hell.

"I've said this already, We are four episodes in. The main character, Shinra, literally has flames on his foot."

Then you felt him tickling you. You let the tv controler fall down on the floor and started laughing.

"Bruno, stop!", you giggled, trying to grab his hands and force him to stop.

"You are mocking your Capo. You should be punished!"

"In my defense, you are not my Capo.", you continued laughing and couldn't even breathe correctly anymore.

The tickles stopped. You didn't even have the time before he flipped you two over. You were laying on the sofa and Bruno was right above you, milimeters apart from your lips. 

"Oh, I'm sure I will be your Capo in a matter of seconds, cara.", he smirked, making you blush.

However, when his lips collided with yours, you were ready. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. One of his arms was used to support himself on the couch and the other one was travelling throught your bare leg. You didn't have the chance to protest when he moved to your neck and found out almost immediately your sweet spot. You bit your finger, not wanting to give him the satisfaction that he was hoping to find.

Your boyfriend started grinding agaisnt you slightly, making your finger not enough to hold it in. You were moaning now and Bucciarati liked that. So he continued to press on you. Your breaths were heavy by this point and you were becoming hotter and hotter. Bruno bit you on the shoulder, making you scream of pleasure. What was this man doing at this time of the day?! But then it stopped.

Bucciarati lifted his head to see you with your face all red and tears starting to form in your eyes:

"This is all you get for free. Unless you want to call me a certain name...", he blinked several times innocently.

"You're really bad, aren't you?", you smiled, giggling a bit, "My pride won't permit it, you know that, right?"

"Guess I'll stop now.", he started going up, away from you.

But you wouldn't have it either. So you swallowed your pride and gave him what he wanted. You pushed his sleeve and he looked at you again, smirking:

"Have you something to say, tesoro?"

You bit your lip before shyly saying:

"Please, Capo. Please kiss me more...", you tried to sound as seductive as possible. You decided to take it one step forward and guided his hand under your shirt, "Touch me more...", of course you couldn't look him in the eyes after tht out of embarassement.

You guessed it worked because he smiled before going down and kiss you on the lips again. However, before he could do anything more, someone knocked on your front door. Bucciarati was frustated of course, but he got off of you.

"Go open the door, please.", you asked, while going into the bathroom. It was probably Adriano. You had to compose yourself. After all you weren't going to even give the hint of what you were doing to your best friend or you knew he would enter in dad mode.

"Hello.", you could hear your boyfriend saying.

"Hi.", Adriano said, "Where's (Y/N)?"

"She went to the bathroom and asked me to come open the door."

"Can I come in?"

"I'm sure (Y/N) would let you in. Why are you even asking?"

"Just being polite, man. What were you doing?"

"Watching Fire Force."

"Oh, I've watched the second season already! It's really good."

"So, you like this stuff too?"

"Just a small amount. I am not crazy like her."

Seconds later, you got out fo the bathroom after you rearranged your clothes and your hair. Adriano went to hug you and wished you a happy burthday. However, his expression changed quickly:

"What were you guys doing before I got here?", he frowned.

"Watching Fire Force.", you responded, looking at Bruno, who was making a gesture for you to push your shirt even more up but you didn't understand it at that time.

"Oh, really?", Adriano smirked. He approached you more until he touched a certain spot of your neck, "Then, what's this?"

You finally understood what Bucciarati was trying to say and blushed like crazy while covering your neck. Adriano laughed but after that, he entered on the dad mode. He looked at Bucciarati:

"What do you think you're doing with my (Y/N)?"

Bucciarati quickly responded:

"What couples do. And for the record, (Y/N) is mine."

You sighed. This was going to be a long day...

Thank you so much for 1K reads! You guys are amazing and I wouldn't make it here without you. <3

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